Educational Organisations Management System
ISO 21001:2018 (EOMS/CBMS) - Online Manual

ACI Global Pty Ltd Trading as ACI Global

ASIC Australian Company Number (ACN): 110 019 460

ASIC Australian Business Number (ABN): 68 110 019 460

Internationally ISO Certified to ISO 9001:2015, 45001:2018 and 14001:2015

Complies with ISO 21001:2018, ISO 37301:2021, ISO 29993:2017, ISO 17024:2012 and ISO 17065:2012

In guidance with ISO 26000:2010, ISO 27001:2022, ISO 44001:2017, ISO 31000:2018 and ISO 22301:2019

Adaptive CertificationsACI Global’s EOMS/CBMS Scope: The provision of leadership development of personnel by providing ongoing competency-based ISO learning and ISO personal certification outcomes for professionals working within a wide range of industries and organisations.Adaptive Certification Certificate

ISO 21001:2018: Educational Organisations Management Systems Certificate: View Certificate


Table of Contents

  1. Values and Culture
  2. Mission Statement
  3. Vision Statement
  4. Context of the organisation
  5. Leadership and worker participation
  6. Planning
  7. Support
  8. Operation
  9. Performance evaluation
  10. Improvement

1: ACI Global's Identity - Values and Culture - What we believe in and how we perform

  • Visionary Leadership;
  • Ethical conduct in education;
  • Primary Duty of Care to ensure the health and safety of all employees;
  • Fairness, accessibility, and equity to learners;
  • Social Responsibility;
  • Capability, Maturity through evidence-based decisions;
  • Data security and protection;
  • Transparency;
  • Professionalism;
  • Provide accelerating continuous improvement (ACI) for all learners and their organisations;
  • Engagement of people;
  • Provide a caring and fun learning environment for all parties and;
  • Work with all stakeholders to achieve a common aim and goal.

2: Mission Statement - How do we plan to achieve our vision?


By delivering "Ethical", Quality in Education, Professional Development and Sustainability Services to lead the Further Education Industry in the provision of Specific Industry and ISO Training by adding value through assessing the capability and maturity of both the business professional and their organisations.

ACI Global will provide its customers a smarter and more cost-effective alternative to traditional Certification and Accreditation services by delivering professional leadership development and verification of competence thereby creating Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) for Business Professionals and ensuring ongoing Sustained Success for their Sponsoring Organisations.

We are further committed through the delivery of our services, the maintenance of a zero debt to equity ratio, to ensure continuity planning and ongoing support for all resources including employees, learners, mentors, stakeholders, and sponsoring organisations is upheld or preserved.


Our Motto - "Quality is Contagious, do it once do it Right"


For "Quality to be Contagious" some key outcomes need to be achieved:

  • Ethics and Leadership must be above reproach;
  • Vision and Enthusiasm be maintained;
  • Embrace "Quality" in everything we do;
  • Understanding that there are "NO Grey Areas" between RIGHT and WRONG; and,
  • The Adaption of Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI).

3: Vision Statement - How do we aim to achieve our Mission?


ACI Global aims to create a practical and sustainable balance in the pursuit of delivering "Ethical" Quality in Industry Education through the delivery of Professional Leadership Development for Personnel and Organisations by identifying both Employee and Organisational needs and understanding of Culture and Value by providing specific Industry, and ISO training to drive Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.

The Acceleration and Continuous improvement of People, their Culture and Values through ongoing verification of competency and Sustainability Services will enhance both employee satisfaction and economic viability for both Business Professionals and their Organisations.


Terms and Definitions: For a List of all ACI Global's Acronyms and Terms please refer to ACI Global’s Learning Services Manual "Terms and Definitions" View


4 - Context of the organisation

ACI Global QA Manual

4.1: Understanding the organisation External and Internal Issues


ACI Global established in 2004 is a well-established Australian Securities and Investments Commission "ASIC" Registered Company working within the adult education industry providing learning and personal certification outcomes. From its inception the organisation has and continues to identify potential issues both External and Internal relevant to its operations and its ability to achieve intended outcomes of its Educational Organisations Business Management System (EOMS/CBMS).

The aim of ACI Global's EOMS/CBMS is to establish the requirements of a strategic lifecycle framework to improve collaborative business relationships, thereby further driving Sustainable Performance and long-term viability.

To further strengthen its CBMS ACI Global's Senior Executive aligns the system to ISO 31000:2018 and ISO 27001:2022 to create and protect value in its operations by managing risks and data Security, making decisions, setting, and achieving objectives and improving performance. ACI Global is aware it faces external and internal factors and influences that can impact on successful achievement of their business objectives. Managing risk and data security is iterative and assists ACI Global in setting strategy, achieving objectives, and making informed decisions.

Managing risk and data security is inherent in ACI Global's Governance and Leadership and is fundamental to how the organisation is managed at all levels. It contributes to the improvement of its existing management systems ISO 21001:2018, ISO 9001:2015 (Quality), ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental), ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety) ISO 27001:2022 (Information Security) ISO 37301:2021 (Compliance Management), ISO 44001:2017 (Collaborative Business Relationship Management) and ISO 31000:2018 (Risk Management Guidelines) (the systems).

Managing risk is part of all activities associated with the organisation and includes a broad range of issues including:

  • ACI Global's business model, including strategy, nature, size and scale complexity and sustainability of the organisation’s activities and operations;
  • The nature and scope of business relations with its interested parties;
  • The health and wellbeing of its workforce in accordance with its "Primary Duty of Care";
  • The legal and regulatory context;
  • Security of its information;
  • The economic situation;
  • Social, cultural, and environmental contexts;
  • Internal structures, systems, policies, processes, procedures, and resources, including technology;
  • Its compliance culture; and,
  • Its risk culture.

ACI Global has the following processes in place to review on a regular basis its "Context" in line with both its Strategic and Business Review activities.


Pestel Analysis - Political, Economic, Sociological, Technical, Environmental and Legal

Pestel Analysis - Reviewed at Business Review March 2024
External and Internal Issues
Corporate social responsibility and Sustainability (CSRS) Maintain open and transparent reporting - Annual CSRS Report
Culture and values Embrace Ethics and abide by our culture and values.
Financial wellbeing Maintain Zero Debt to Equity Ratio
Strategic planning Plans in place to remain a leader in the educational marketplace – Annual Strategic Planning review and Corporate Social Responsibility Statement
On time delivery Academy online 24/7 with technical support in place
Service excellence Provision of commitment to support learners and sponsoring organisations. CPD Agreements in place
Compliance to legal and regulatory bodies Remain Compliant to all National and International Laws.
"Primary Duty of Care" ensuring the health and wellbeing of its workforce Maintain a policy of health and wellbeing for not just our employees but also our learners and Interested Parties.
Security of its information Protection of personal data – Digital Information Security Framework and agreements in place and in guidance with GDPR and ISO Guidelines.
Interested parties (Collaborative Partners) Ensure all interested parties abide by ACI Global’s Ethics, Values and Culture.
Environmental Sustainability Environmental Impacts such as Law Breach's, Waste, Re Cycling, Changes to the Climate, and possible inclement Weather Events to ACI Global and its Interested Parties has been assessed as a Foreseeable Risk (Low), note 4.2 Interested Parties, 4.5 Compliance Obligations, 4.7 Compliance risk assessment, 5.1.3 Compliance governance, 5.2 Policy. 5.3.3 Compliance function, 6.1 Risk Profile and Register, 6.2.1 Objectives and Targets, and ongoing Review during its regular business review process 9.3.

Through its established communication and consultation processes, ongoing communication with its Leadership Team, Learners, Sponsoring Organisations and Alliance Parties ACI Global addresses its Strengths and Weaknesses from feedback received. Feedback, ideas, and lessons learned are all reviewed within the organisations Management "Business" review process culminating in the annual CSR report and Strategic Business Plan.


SWOT Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

SWOT Analysis - Reviewed at Business Review March 2024
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
S - Strengths W - Weakness
1 - Well established reputation 1 - Information Technology [IT]
2 - Family owned 2 - Corporate knowledge held by individuals – not written
3 - Financial Stability of the company 3 - Global recession
4 - Well established business connections 4 - Small player
5 - Online delivery of learning services and a website protected from unethical social media and Big Teck 5 - Lack National Recognition for example Registered Training Organisation within the Australian Training Framework (RTO)
O - Opportunities T - Threats
1 - Certification to ISO 21001:2018 1 - Internet Issues
2 - Become an RTO 2 - Global/National Recession.
3 - Greater efficiencies from reviewed and amended processes all online 3 - Lack of National Recognition.
4 - Training of Graduates and cadets – who have the opportunity to progress their careers into Leadership Positions 4 - Business Continuity (Transition) planning, breach of personal and content security within the ACI Global Academy
5 - Continue to Strengthen our social media footprint through our website without compromising our Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Principles 5 - Inability to Maintain and Respect the Freedom of Speech and Freedom from the Influence and Coercion from Big Tech and Social Media Companies

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ACI Global Pty Ltd ASIC Company Registration Certificate: View
  • ACI Global Annual ASIC Statement: View
  • Capability Statement: View
  • Due Diligence and Governance Framework: View
  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care": View
  • Collaborative Business Relationship Management Plan (RMP): View
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report: View
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Australasian Founding Member: View
  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Key Strategic Business Plan (Not Available for Public Viewing)
  • Global Accreditations and Alliance Partners (Interested Parties): View
  • Legal and Legislative Register: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Digital Information Security Framework: View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Impartiality Policy: View
  • Modern Slavery Policy: View
  • Privacy Policy: View

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4.2: Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties


ACI Global has researched and determined a general understanding of the expressed needs and expectations of its internal and external interested parties including:

  • Its learners, other beneficiaries and workers that will be involved or impacted upon by its business and compliance activities:
  • Other interested parties, in addition to workers, that are relevant to the business management system;
  • The relevant needs and expectations (i.e., requirements) of workers and other interested parties;
  • Do relevant interested parties have requirements related to Environmental Aspects such as changes to the climate, inclement weather, re cycling and waste refer Foreseeable Risk; and,
  • Which of these needs and expectations are, or could become, legal requirements and other requirements refer below.

It is further noted that the organisations interested parties, including its workers, stakeholders (Learners and their beneficiaries, contractor’s, mentors, and facilitators) and compliance obligations are reviewed in accordance with the Organisations strategic business plans and its EOMS/CBMS and Relationship Management Plans.

In reference to Legal obligations of its workers the organisation has demonstrated through the Induction process (Recognition of Prior Learning), specific roles and responsibilities training and consultation that its workers understand under relevant requirements (WHS Acts Australia) relating to:

  • Taking reasonable care for his or her own health;
  • Taking reasonable care that they are responsible for their own acts or omissions to not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons; and,
  • Adhering with any reasonable policy procedure or instruction to comply with applicable Legislation (Acts such as the Model WHS ACT (Australia)) or as applies.

ACI Global has the following process in place to review on a regular basis its "Needs and Expectations of its Interested Parties" in line with both its Strategic and Business Review activities.

Reviewed at Business Review March 2024
Interested Parties The needs and expectation Monitoring / Reviewing
Workers Primary Duty of Care, Good health, and wellbeing practices Observations and regular “Teams” meetings.
Learners Primary Duty of Care, Achievement of professional development outcomes of learners and accelerating continuous improvement and organisational sustainability. Administrator, Facilitators, Mentors and or Supervisors observations and assessments of the Learners Progress within the ACI Academy.
Learners Beneficiaries (Sponsoring Organisations). Primary Duty of care, Achievement of professional development outcomes of learners and accelerating continuous improvement and organisational sustainability. Administrator, Facilitators, Mentors, ongoing support with each Learners (CPD) agreement plus service delivery outcomes from ACI Industry Experts to the Sponsoring Organisation.
Facilitators, Mentors and or Contractors. Primary Duty of Care, Professional development, employment security, good working relationships and environment. Professional development monitoring via Hogan Profiling plus annual observational assessments including in CPD Agreements and Primary Duty of Care.
Bank Good financial position / credit, good inventory controls, good debtor / creditor control. Profit and Loss, Liquidity Ratio and Net to Equity Ratio
Creditors. Understanding and agreement of payment terms. All creditors to be paid in accordance with payment terms.
Legal Compliance to Legal, Legislative and codes of Practice both National and International including changes to the Climate and including accountability of learners for example Primary Duty of Care. Regular team leaders’ meetings, controls in place to ensure notification of latest updates, communicated consulted and applied. Learners’ Legal obligations communicated both within the Academy and during Annual observations.
Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). Corporate / Director’s fiduciary responsibilities. Director’s responsibilities.
Australian Tax Office (ATO) Financial reporting Accounting Rules BAS and GST.
Foreseeable Risk Impact on ACI Global Compliance Obligations 4.5, Compliance Risk Assessment 4.7, Risk Register 6.1 and Business Review 9.3.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Induction Process: View
  • Collaborative Business Relationship Management Plan (RMP): View
  • Key Strategic Business Plan (Not Available for Public Viewing)
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Legal and Legislative Register: View

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4.2.2: (BCMS) Legal and Regulatory Requirements - ACI Global maintains the necessary documentation including the Business Continuity Plan and associated documentation within the organisation’s website with risk-based thinking applied throughout the organisation in conformance with its own and ISO requirements. ACI Global is maintaining the required level of resources and documentation to support its business continuity processes ensuring operational effectiveness and is being monitored and measured to ensure business outcomes are achieved in accordance with the organisations strategic business plans.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Legal and Legislative Register: View

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4.3: Scope of Business Activities


Based on an analysis of the above issues of concern, interests of stakeholders (Learners, learners Beneficiary's) Workers and in consideration of its products and services, ACI Global has determined the scope of the EOMS as follows:

The provision of leadership development of personnel by providing ongoing competency-based ISO learning and ISO personal certification outcomes for professionals working within a wide range of industries and organisations.

Statement of Applicability

ISO 21001:2018: ACI Global does not provide Early Childhood Education and therefore claims this to be inapplicable to its business activities "Scope" as required by ISO 21001:2018.

ISO 27001:2013: ACI Global claims no non applicable requirements in reference to the ISO 27001:2022 Standard.

It is further noted that the scope of the EOMS reflects ACI Global's compliance to its International, National, Industry and Legislative Statutory Rules and Regulatory obligations for example, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Fair work commission of Australia, Australian WHS Act and Regulations, Australian Environmental Protection Acts, The National Training Framework (NTF) and the following International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Standards:

  • ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems - Requirements (Certified);
  • ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management Systems - Requirements and guidance for use (Certified);
  • ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements with guidance for use (Certified);
  • ISO 21001:2018 - Educational organizations — Management systems for educational organizations — Requirements with guidance for use;
  • ISO 26000:2010 - Guidance on social responsibility;
  • ISO 29993:2017 - Learning services outside formal education — Service requirements;
  • ISO 17024:2012 - Conformity assessment — General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons;
  • ISO 27001:2013 - Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements;
  • ISO 31000:2018 - Risk management — Guidelines, and;
  • ISO 22301:2019 - Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Requirements.
  • ISO 37301:2021 - Compliance management systems — Requirements with guidance for use.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Legal and Legislative Register: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Statement of Applicability ISO 27001 View

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4.4: Management System and their Processes for educational organisations.


4.4.1: (CBMS - EOMS, Q, E, OHS, ISM, CBRM, RMG, BCMS) General - ACI Global understands that Consistent and predictable results are achieved more effectively and efficiently when activities are planned and managed as interrelated processes that function as a coherent system. To do this ACI Global has adopted the process approach when developing, implementing, and improving the effectiveness of its Business "Quality" management system.

ACI Global's Process Model

The process approach is used to enhance customer satisfaction by not just meeting customer requirements, but by consistently exceeding them as ACI Global considers customer requirements essential to the adoption of its process approach

ACI Global's EOMS as outlined in ISO 21001
ACI Global QA Manual
Note Numbers in brackets refer to clauses of ACI Global's Expanded EOMS

As seen above ACI Global’s Core Business Processes are:

  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Operation
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Improvement

ACI Global's process approach applies systematic definition and management of its core processes and their interactions, to achieve the intended results in accordance with the organisations business "Quality" Policy and the strategic direction of the organisation. Key processes are monitored through both self-assessment and business review.

Management of the ACI Global's processes and the system is achieved using a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) methodology with an overall focus on Enterprise Risk based thinking aimed at preventing undesirable outcomes. ACI Global's process approach ensures:

  • understanding and consistently meeting customer requirements;
  • consideration of processes in terms of added value;
  • the achievement of effective process performance;
  • improvement of processes based on evaluation and security of data and information; and,
  • continual improvement of Processes through looking for Opportunities in Optimisation.

ACI Global has the following process in place to review on a regular basis its "Core Processes" in line with both its Strategic and Business Review activities.

Reviewed at Business Review March 2024
Core Business Processes Key Performance Indicators Monitoring / Reviewing Targets
Leadership. Hogan Leadership Profile:
  • Adjustment;
  • Ambition;
  • Sociability:
  • Interpersonal Sensitivity:
  • Prudence:
  • Inquisitive: and,
  • Learning Approach.
Annual Reviews of Personal SWOT Analysis. Personal "CPD" programs, including Witnessed Activity, SWOT analysis against Key Performance Indicators.
Planning. Risk Rankings (Refer Table 6.1.1) and Objectives KPI's Refer Table (6.2). Risk Audit tabled and Review of Objectives tabled at Management Review and Monthly Executive Review Meetings. Zero incidents, maintenance of Zero Debt to Equity ratio.
Operation. Key performance Data:
  • e-Quip platform (Academy) performance data (Outages etc)
  • Learners,
  • Stakeholders;
  • Feedback at start of course;
  • Progressive feedback at completion of each assessment.
  • Feedback at completion of course including ongoing professional development; and,
  • Feedback from Website.
ACI Academy Reports, e-Quip Tracker, Exemptions Report, SQL Data Base Logs Tabled and presented to Management Review. ACI Academy (e-Quip): Zero outages within the ACI Academy and planned improvements achieved;
ACI Global Website: Security of data within SQL Data base;
Learners: Personal SWOT and Continuous Improvement agreements in place.
Performance Evaluation. e-Quip Tracker, Quality Improvement Register, Audits, Self-Assessment. e-Quip Exemptions Report, Management Review and Executive Review Meetings. Continuous Professional Development, Ongoing Certification and Personal SWOT Analysis annual reviews.
Improvement. Customer Feedback (Learners and Sponsoring Organisations), New Courses. New Course Development, e-Quip Exemptions Report, Customer Surveys, Opportunities for Improvement, Non-Conformances, Corrective Actions and Lessons Learned, Management Review. New Course/s implemented, and future course development tracked for future implementation.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Opportunity in Optimisation: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Internal Audit Program: View
  • Executive Business Review: View
  • Self-Assessment process: View

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4.4.2: (CBMS - EOMS, Q, E, OHS, ISM and CBRM, RMG, BCMS) Maintain Documented Information - ACI Global maintains the necessary documentation including the EOMS/CBMS and associated documentation within the organisations website with risk based thinking applied throughout the organisation in conformance with its own and ISO requirements refer above 4.3 and in Guidance with add additional standards ISO 26000:2010 and ISO 31000:2018. ACI Global is maintaining the required level of resources and documentation to support its business processes ensuring operational effectiveness and is being monitored and measured to ensure business outcomes are achieved in accordance with the organisations strategic business plans.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report: View
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Australasian Founding Member: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View

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4.5: Compliance obligations.


ACI Global ensures it systematically identifies its compliance obligations resulting from its activities, products, and services, and assess their impact on its operations through identification of Legal, Legislative, Acts and Statutory Obligations.

In respect to Environmental Sustainability the following need to be considered:

  • Context - what is it, where has it come from, its Societal purpose;
  • Relevance including:
    • Planning Law (conditions and consents, EPA, EIA);
    • Air, Water, Land;
    • Waste;
    • Natural resources and resource efficiency;
    • Biodiversity;
    • Hazardous substances;
    • Environmental Assessment;
    • Eco - labelling (if required);
    • IPPC and associated climate obligations;
    • Non-financial accounting and reporting (eg GHG, EPIs etc)
  • Relevant regulatory authorities – including all national environmental regulatory agencies; local government and regional planning authorities; waste, environmental health and water regulatory authorities;
  • Requirements – requirements that an organisation has to or chooses to comply with, including voluntary commitments, customer/ supply chain

    ACI Global has developed and maintains processes through a Compliance Risk Assessment to:

    • identify new and changed compliance obligations to ensure ongoing compliance; and,
    • evaluate the impact of the identified changes and implement any necessary changes in the management of the compliance obligations.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Compliance Policy: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Quality Improvements Register: View
  • Self-Assessment process: View
  • Legal and Legislative Register: View
  • ACI Global Annual ASIC Statement: View

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4.6: Creation of value.


ACI Global has adopted ISO 44001:2017 to assist in integrating collaborative working relationships with it partners.

It is further noted that the organisation has determined and defined the value-added opportunities that can be achieved by the organisation working collaboratively and embracing a culture of Compliance. These value-added opportunities are periodically reviewed as part of the organisation’s accelerating continual improvement program as outline in clauses 9 and 10.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Collaborative Business Relationship Management Plan (RMP): View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View

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4.7: Compliance risk assessment.


ACI Global has adopted both ISO 31000:2018 and ISO 37301:2021 to assist in integrating risk management principles and guidelines into all significant activities and functions of its business. The effectiveness of risk management and compliance is governed on its integration into the governance of the organisation, including decision-making through the support from its Senior Executives Responsible (SER), Board of Directors and all its stakeholders.

ACI Global has identified and continues to analyse and evaluate its compliance risks based upon a compliance risk assessment (CRA) and its Enterprise Risk Management Plan (ERMP).

As part of its compliance culture ACI Global has identified its compliance risks by relating its compliance obligations to its activities, products, services, and relevant aspects of its operations. As a Reputable Organisation ACI Global also assesses its compliance risks related to outsourced and third-party processes as required including Environmental Sustainability taking into account changes to the climate are based upon a compliance risk assessment.

With the addition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Management Systems and also Fraud it is important to perform a Risk Assessment in accordance to both ISO/Industry and your own requirements.

The compliance risks are assessed periodically and whenever there are material changes in circumstances or ACI Global's organisational context.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • ACI Global Annual ASIC Statement: View
  • Compliance Policy: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Legal and Legislative Register: View

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5 - Leadership and worker participation

ACI Global QA Manual

5.1: Leadership and commitment


5.1.1: (CBMS - EOMS, Q, E, OHS, ISM and CBRM, RMG) General - The Executive and the Leadership Team have overall responsibility, accountability, and authority for addressing all quality assurance issues relating to its CBMS along with the authority and responsibility for the promotion of quality awareness throughout the organisation and its interested parties. ACI Global provides adequate resources including those for special needs to ensure the CBMS aligns with its key business development strategic plans and is adding value and continuous improvement to the organisation by:

  • The organisations governance guides the course of the organisation, its external and internal relationships, and the rules, processes and practices needed to achieve its purpose;
  • Ensuring that the organisations policies and objectives are established and are compatible with the strategic direction of the organisation;
  • Ensuring the integration of the CBMS requirements into the organisation’s business processes;
  • Ensuring that the resources needed for the CBMS are available;
  • Communicating to relevant stakeholders the importance of effective collaborative business relationship management and where applicable of compliance to the CBMS requirements;
  • Ensuring that the CBMS achieves its intended outcome(s);
  • Directing and supporting persons within the organisation to contribute to the effectiveness of the CBMS;
  • Protecting workers from reprisals when reporting breaches in compliance, incidents, hazards, risks opportunities;
  • Promoting continual improvement;
  • Supporting other relevant management roles within the organisation to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility; and,
  • Understanding of Section 27 of the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act (Australia) or as applies which places a duty on an officer of a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to exercise due diligence to ensure that the PCBU complies with their duties or obligations under the model WHS Act or as applies.

The governing body of ACI Global and its Executive Leadership Team:

  • Established and uphold the values of the organisation;
  • Ensure that policies, processes, and procedures are developed and implemented to achieve compliance objectives;
  • Ensure that they are informed in a timely manner about compliance matters, including instances of noncompliance, and ensure that appropriate action is taken;
  • Ensure that the commitment to compliance is maintained and that noncompliance and noncompliant behaviour are dealt with appropriately;
  • Ensure that compliance responsibilities are included in job descriptions as appropriate;
  • Appoint or nominate a compliance function (see 5.3.2);
  • Ensure that a system for raising and addressing concerns in accordance with 8.3 is established.

Leadership and commitment is reviewed at regular intervals in line with ACI Global's strategic plans and business review process.

The Managing Director and Senior Executive Group of ACI Global Pty Ltd always strives to demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the CBMS:

Reviewed at Business Review March 2024

Taking accountability

For the understanding and adoption by all Interested Parties of their "Primary Duty of Care”.

For the effectiveness of the EOMS/CBMS

Taking accountability in respect to Compliance including Legal Responsibility


Quality Assurance Policies and EOMS/CBMS business objectives are established for the EOMS/CBMS Management Systems and are compatible with the context and strategic direction of the organisation.

The integration of the EOMS/CBMS Management System requirements into the organisations business processes.

The resources needed for the EOMS/CBMS Management System are available.

The EOMS/CBMS Management System achieves its intended results.


The use of the process approach and risk-based thinking Improvement


The importance of effective quality management and of conforming to the EOMS/CBMS Management System requirements.

Engaging, directing, and supporting

Persons to contribute to the effectiveness through accountability and responsibility of their own and each other’s actions for the EOMS/CBMS Management System.


Other relevant leadership and management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility.

ACI Global's human resource process is based on competence, capability and maturity of its Leadership team including facilitators and mentors with ongoing review of Key Personal Performance Indicators (KPPI) and in addition triennial Hogan Disciplines and Agile leadership performance reviews.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Due Diligence and Governance: View
  • ACI Global Annual ASIC Statement: View
  • Communication and Consultation Procedure: View
  • Privacy Policy: View
  • Impartiality Policy: View
  • Code of Conduct Policy: View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors: View

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5.1.2: (CBMS - EOMS, Q, E, OHS, ISM and CBRM, RMG, BCMS) Focus on learners and other beneficiaries including Compliance and Governance


ACI Global has developed and continues to maintain and promote a compliance culture at all levels within the organisation.

The governing body, top management and management provide an active, visible, consistent, and sustained commitment towards a common standard of behaviour and conduct that is required throughout the organisation to deliver customer service to the levels set by the organisation

  • Ensure customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are determined, understood, and consistently met;
  • The risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the ability to enhance learners and other beneficiaries’ satisfaction are determined and addressed; and,
  • The focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is maintained.

Top management encourage behaviour that creates and supports compliance, whilst always working to prevent and not tolerate behaviour that compromises compliance.

The process of Focusing on Learners and other Beneficiaries including Compliance Culture and Governance is reviewed in line with both ACI Global's strategic plans and business review process.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Due Diligence and Governance: View
  • Communication and Consultation Procedure: View
  • Privacy Policy: View
  • Impartiality Policy: View
  • Code of Conduct Policy: View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.1.3: (CBMS) Compliance governance

The governing body and top management of ACI Global ensure that the following principles are implemented:

  • Direct access (reporting) of the compliance function to the governing body and Regulators for example ASIC, EPA and Work Safe;
  • Independence of the compliance function; and,
  • Appropriate authority and competence of the compliance function.

The Managing Director and Senior Executive Group of ACI Global Pty Ltd always strive to demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to Learners and their Sponsoring Organisations Focus, Compliance Culture and Governance by:

Reviewed at Business Review March 2024


Ensuring Learners / Sponsoring Organisations and applicable legal requirements are determined, understood, and consistently met through a Culture of compliance and Governance.

The risk and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the ability to enhance client / client satisfaction are determined and addressed.

The focus on enhancing Customers / Learners / Sponsoring Organisations satisfaction, compliance and governance is maintained.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Due Diligence and Governance: View
  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care": View
  • Communication and Consultation Procedure: View
  • Privacy Policy: View
  • Impartiality Policy: View
  • Code of Conduct Policy: View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care": View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.1.4: (CBMS, Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG, BCMS) Additional requirements for special needs education

Learners needs that cannot progress through regular instruction and assessment practices (e.g., exceptionalities such as behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical, giftedness, or other learner needs), for special education are specifically catered for at the very start of the enrolment process by ACI Global. ACI Global has in place designated communication channels, so the special needs for learners can receive the information they need for their activities and ongoing professional development.

The Leadership team at ACI Global ensure that all resources are in place to support accessibility in learning environments to cater for Special needs, and, reasonable accommodation (learning tools and aids) is provided for learners to promote an equitable access to facilitate the appropriate educational environments.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Special Needs Policy: View
  • Privacy Policy: View
  • Code of Conduct Policy: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.2: Policies


5.2.1: (CBMS, Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG) Developing the policies - The main “Quality Assurance Policies” Quality, Educational, Environmental, Health and Safety and Information Security are documented and reviewed at regular intervals in accordance with the organisations strategic plans and audit program. Those policies, together with policies to address all business risks and issues associated with the company’s activities, correlate with the nature and scale of the organisation’s key business strategic goals and objectives. The organisation’s managing director, including the management team understand the commitment:

  • for continual improvement;
  • achieving objectives and targets;
  • prevention of pollution; and,
  • the commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements;
  • provide a framework for setting and reviewing business issues, including for example health and wellbeing of its employees; and,
  • quality assurance objectives and targets and their planned outcomes.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Educational Policy: View
  • Special Needs Policy: View
  • Quality Policy: View
  • Compliance Policy: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • Environmental and Sustainability Policy: View
  • Information Security Policy: View
  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy: View
  • Privacy Policy: View
  • Impartiality Policy: View
  • Code of Conduct Policy: View
  • Administration Policies: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.2.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG, BCMS) Communicating the Compliance, Quality, Educational, Environmental, Health and Safety, Information/Security and other business policies - The organisation displays its policies throughout the workplace including external work sites and policies are made available to its third parties including its facilitators and mentors when required or asked for.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Educational Organisational Management System View
  • Communication and Consultation Procedure View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.3: Organisational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities


5.3.1: (CBMS, Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG, BCMS) Governing body and top management - The governing body and top management of ACI Global ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned and communicated within the organisation. This is one of ACI Global's core commitments as a Founding Member of the (GRI).

ACI Global's governing body and top management have assigned the responsibility and authority for:

  1. Ensuring that the compliance management system conforms to the requirements of the compliance business management systems (EOMS, Q, E, OHS, CRM, RMG); and,
  2. Reporting on the performance of the compliance management system to the organisations governing body and top management.

ACI Global's governing body ensures:

  • That top management is measured against the achievement of compliance objectives; and,
  • Exercise oversight over top management regarding the operation of the compliance management systems.

Top Management ensures:

  • Adequate and appropriate resources to establish, develop, implement, evaluate, maintain, and improve the compliance management systems;
  • Effective systems of timely reporting on compliance performance are in place;
  • The alignment between strategic and operational targets and compliance obligations;
  • Implementing and maintain accountability mechanisms including disciplinary actions and consequences;
  • The integration of compliance performance into performance appraisals of personnel;
  • Workers understand their responsibilities and accountabilities in reference to Legal Requirements (WHS Act) or as applies; and,
  • Workers understanding the Chain of Responsibility (COR) for those aspects of the organisation business activities for which they have influence and control of.

ACI Global is providing adequate resources to ensure the Compliance BMS aligns with key business development strategic plans, adding value and continuous improvement to the organisation. The organisations roles, responsibilities and accountabilities are maintained as documented evidence.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care": View
  • Compliance Policy View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • Leadership Team View
  • Roles and Responsibilities View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.3.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG, BCMS): Establishment of an Organisational Governance structure - arrangements that promote collaborative working relationship that provide the authority under which the leaders are empowered to explore the potential value from collaboration, by ensuring that:

  • The organisation has a value analysis process that identifies the potential benefits that could be realised by collaborative working;
  • The qualities or ethos of the relationships that are consistent with both the values and purpose of the organisation are established;
  • The leaders have a clear mandate within which to progress and develop prospective collaborative business relationships;
  • The governance processes are sufficiently robust to demonstrate effective assurance and accountability within a collaborative arrangement;
  • The governance processes are sufficiently agile and adaptable to ensure that the potential value could be realized from collaboration;
  • There is a clear understanding of expected and acceptable attitudes and behaviour within the relationships that will foster the desired approach to openness, trust and mutual respect between the prospective collaborators and their stakeholder groups; and,
  • There is accountability, fairness, and transparency in the relationships with partners and sharing of responsibilities and rights.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care": View
  • Due Diligence and Governance View
  • Compliance Policy View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • Leadership Team View
  • Roles and Responsibilities View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.3.3: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG, BCMS) Compliance function - ACI Global has established and is maintaining a compliance function which is responsible for the operation of the compliance management system including the following:

  • Facilitating the identification of compliance obligations;
  • Documenting the compliance risk assessment (see 4.6);
  • Aligning the compliance management system with the compliance objectives;
  • Monitoring and measuring compliance performance;
  • Analysing and evaluating the performance of the compliance management system to identify any need for corrective action;
  • Establishing a compliance reporting and documenting system;
  • Ensuring the compliance management system is reviewed at planned intervals (see 9.2 and 9.3); and,
  • Establishing a system for raising concerns and ensuring that concerns are addressed.

The compliance function of ACI Global exercises the following oversight:

  • Responsibilities to achieve identified compliance obligations are appropriately allocated throughout the organization;
  • Compliance obligations are integrated into policies, processes, and procedures;
  • All relevant personnel are trained as required; and,
  • Compliance performance indicators are established.

ACI Global's compliance function provides:

  • Personnel with access to resources on compliance policies, processes, and procedures; and,
  • Advice to the organization on compliance-related matters.

ACI Global has been able to demonstrate that established specific duties of the compliance function do not relieve other personnel of their responsibilities for compliance and ensures that the compliance function is given access to:

  • Senior decision-makers to contribute early in the decision-making processes;
  • All levels of the organisation;
  • All personnel, documented information, and data; and,
  • Expert advice on relevant laws, regulations, codes, and organisational standards.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care": View
  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care" Employees/Candidates/Facilitators: View
  • Due Diligence and Governance View
  • Compliance Policy View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • Leadership Team View
  • Roles and Responsibilities View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.3.4: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG, BCMS) Senior executive responsible - ACI Global has appointed a senior executive responsible (SER) whom is responsible for ensuring performance evaluation and continual improvement in the activities covered by the collaborative and compliance management system refer to clauses 9 and 10 (OEMS, Q, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG, BCMS).

The SER is also responsible for identifying and defining the key individuals and their roles involved in compliance and collaborative initiatives and ensuring they have the appropriate skills to support a compliance and collaborative approach within the organisation.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care": View
  • Compliance Policy View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • Leadership Team View
  • Roles and Responsibilities View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.3.5: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG, BCMS) Management - Personnel holding positions for ACI Global in Management are responsible for compliance and collaboration within their area of responsibility by:

  • Cooperating with and supporting the compliance function and encouraging personnel to do the same;
  • Ensuring that all personnel within their control are complying with the organization’s compliance obligations, policies, processes, and procedures;
  • Identifying and communicating compliance risks in their operations;
  • Integrating compliance obligations into existing business practices and procedures in their areas of responsibility;
  • Attending and supporting compliance training activities;
  • Developing personnel awareness of compliance obligations and directing them to meet training and competence requirements;
  • Encouraging their personnel to raise compliance concerns and supporting them and precluding any form of retaliation;
  • Actively participating in the management and resolution of compliance-related incidents and issues as required; and,
  • Ensuring that, once the need for corrective action is identified, appropriate corrective action is recommended and implemented.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care" Employees/Candidates/Facilitators: View
  • Compliance Policy View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • Leadership Team View
  • Roles and Responsibilities View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Policy: View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

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5.3.6: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG, BCMS) Personnel or workers - All personnel or workers undertaking any activity for ACI Global shall:

  • Adhere to the organization’s compliance obligations, duties of care, policies, processes, and procedures;
  • Report any compliance or foreseeable compliance concerns, issues, and failures;
  • Report on lessons learned and opportunities for improvement; and,
  • Participate in training as required.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care" Employees/Candidates/Facilitators: View
  • Compliance Policy View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • Leadership Team View
  • Roles and Responsibilities View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.4: Consultation and Participation of personnel or workers

Consultation and Participation processes established by ACI Global provides avenues for the flow of information and across the organisation to ensure ongoing contributions, development, planning, implementation, evaluation, and action for improvement of the EOMS is maintained. Executives and workers at all levels, are actively involved in accordance to the organisation’s accountability and chain of responsibility process, gathering and the dissemination of all quality assurance and business-related information.

The organisation, through its consultation and participation process, determines the needs and expectations of its employees and stakeholders for both its normal operations and potential emergency situations, including the establishment and maintenance of relevant policies; and, role allocation when determining how to apply the legal requirements.

Worker participation in this process is actively encouraged, in relating to business issues (quality, health and wellbeing and environmental awareness) with the aim to promote:

  • Commitment;
  • Individual contributions (wider source of ideas and knowledge); and,
  • cooperation at all levels of the organisation in managing and resolving workplace quality environmental and health and wellbeing risks.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Communications Procedure View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Privacy Policy View

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6 - Planning


ACI Global QA Manual


6.1: Actions to address risks and opportunities


6.1.1 (CBMS, Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS, CBRM, RMG) When planning the EOMS/CBMS - ACI Global considers Risk as the effect of uncertainty on an expected result and the concept of risk-based thinking has always been implicit in the organisations business and strategic planning. ACI Global's planning process to address issues and requirements along with ensuring the EOMS achieves its intended outcomes through addressing and determining the Foreseeable Risk and Opportunities of the organisation is in conformance to its strategic plans and both itself, industry, regulatory and ISO requirements.

A simple explanation of Foreseeable Risk:

  • Observation;
  • Assess;
  • Act; and,
  • Monitor, measure, and report.

ACI Global has processes, procedures, plans, and risk registers are in place to prevent or reduce undesired effects such as compliance obligations for example lack of application of legal requirements, incorrect employee pay rates, unintended environmental damage and resultant damage to reputation, work-related injury and or ill health and protection of personal information and data whilst undertaking its business activities.

It is further noted that the organisations Foreseeable Risk and Opportunities relating to its own Issues (Culture, Values and Goals), Technology, along with its interested parties, including its workers, stakeholders (Learners and their beneficiaries, contractor’s, mentors, and facilitators) Banks, and compliance obligations are reviewed in accordance with the Organisations strategic business plans and its Business Review Process.

Reviewed at Business Review March 2024
Interested Parties Risk and Opportunities to be addressed. S P Ranking Actions to address Risk and Opportunities Effectiveness of actions
Vision, Mission, Culture Values and Goals Not being adhered to by staff, learners, or Sponsoring Organisations. L L L Communications all the way through the course and followed up with Observational Assessments for Learners, Facilitators and Management. Effective due to ongoing communications with Facilitators and CPD Agreements
Business Objectives Failure to maintain accelerating continuous improvement of all Objectives, leading to poor Business Performance and loss of ISO Certification. L L L Monitor and Measure Key Performance Indicators through both Management Review and Executive Team Meetings. Maintenance of ISO Certification, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Founding Member and Accelerating Continuous Improvement throughout the Business.
Financial Health and Security Failure to maintain Zero Debt to Equity Ratio L L L Maintain zero debt by ongoing best practice financial management. Strategic Risk and financial planning processes in place.
Technology Failure to fully Risk and assess the benefits, the unknown and untested factor. L L M-H Undertake Risk assessments at the appropriate time. Effective due to ongoing leadership meetings and resulting investigations and risk assessments.
New Business Failure to fully Risk assess train and or capacity to provide service. L L L Fully assess, benefits, pricing, needed resources. Resource plan and marketing plan in place.
Data Loss and or threat to personal information Breach of Information Security and or Cyber Threat H M L-M Perform regular emergency plans imitating breaches and keep security controls up to date. Digital Security plan and processes in place.
Learners and or their Sponsoring Organisations Dissatisfied learner with service L L L Communications all the way through the course. Effective due to ongoing communications with Facilitator
Catering for Special Needs Learners Inadequate resources and measures in place to cater for special needs. L L M-H Qualified Special Needs Team Leader in place as Mentor and Facilitator. Effective due to ongoing communications with Facilitator and Mentor.
Australian Tax Office (ATO) Failure to provide correct company information (Solvency Declaration) or File BAS/GST on time Penalties may apply H H L Adhere to accountancy guidelines, and Quarterly reminders in place. Effective with no issues to date annually reviewed by Accountant.
Learners, Facilitators, and other employees Failure to provide health and wellbeing awareness including psychosocial Issues and Primary Duty of Care training as applicable to all Interested Parties H H L Adhere to Primary Duty of Care, reminders in place all courses. Effective with no issues to date annually reviewed by independent third-party auditors.
Legal Breach of compliance legislation WHS (PDOC) / Environmental Legislation / National or International Legislation – resulting in Improvement Notice / Prohibition Notice / Prosecution. L L L Accountability and Responsibility of all (Primary Duty of Care), Position descriptions and Professional Code of Conduct in place. Code of conduct revisited and confirmed annually.
QMS Issues, OHS Hazards and EMS Aspects Failure to address Quality (Issues), OHS (Hazards) and Environmental (Aspects) including changes to the Climate – resulting in Poor performance, Incidents, inclement weather events and Compliance Breaches. L L L Accountability and Responsibility of all (Primary Duty of Care), Policies and Registers in place. Code of conduct revisited and confirmed annually, Compliance Reports and Business Review.
Note: S - Severity; P - Possibility; H - High; M - Medium; L - Low; M-L - Medium to Low; M-H - Medium to High.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care": View
  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care" Employees/Candidates/Facilitators: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report View
  • Legal and Legislative Register View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework View

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6.1.2, (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Effects, Aspects, Hazard identification and assessment of risks and opportunities. - The organisations processes aid in anticipating unwarranted effect, human error and low morale, environmental aspects (changes or modifications), health and wellbeing and their likelihood and consequences to impact on the organisations standing and threats to information security, through the application of appropriate risk controls, so as to achieve intended outcomes.

Processes also assist in identifying opportunities that can offer a potential advantage or beneficial outcome, such as improved quality (Employee Morale, continual improvement (productivity), EMS Recycling and Lifestyle responsible products) and OHS (Mental Health, Stress, Fatigue, hearing, or eye) awareness and performance along with the protection of personal data and information loss.

The organisation has considered Effects, Aspects and Hazards that may arise from physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial, mechanical, and organizational sources, such as working long hours watching monitors, repetitive work, workload, and tight deadlines but also harassment and bullying. The organisations hazard identification process also considers the following:

  • Routine and non-routine activities;
  • Emergency situations;
  • People who are involved capability and human error;
  • Other issues that include the design of the workplace;
  • Changes in the company;
  • Changes in information about foreseeable risk;
  • The incidents of the past;
  • Social factors of the company; and
  • Commonsense.

High Risk: The organisations Effects, Aspects and Hazards and associated foreseeable risk factors with emphasis on the High-Risk factors have been identified as:

  • Impacts that may threaten ACI Global's Zero Debt to Equity;
  • Data Loss and or threat to personal information;
  • Special Needs issues.
  • Health and Wellbeing of employees, learners, and facilitators; and,
  • Quality Issues and Environmental Aspects.

Whilst ACI Global has identified its High-Risk factors it has in place specific measures to mitigate its High-Risk Factors of Foreseeable Risk of which are outlined within its system documentation and are in line with the organisations strategic business and enterprise risk management plans.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care": View
  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care" Employees/Candidates/Facilitators: View
  • Compliance, Incident, Near Miss Report: View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View

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6.1.3: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Determination of legal requirements and other requirements - ACI Global's possible legal and legislative requirements and code of practice are reviewed during the business or management review process as well as memberships are maintained to ensure its ongoing relevance.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care": View
  • ACI Global's "Primary duty of care" Employees/Candidates/Facilitators: View
  • Legal and Legislative Register View

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6.1.4: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Planning action - Planned actions to reduce QMS, EOMS, ISMS effects, OHS and EMS hazards and aspects and their associated risks and the risks for the effectiveness of the business management system EOMS are in place and documented. The strategic plans of the organisation aim to take advantage of business opportunities and lessons learned to achieve competitive advantages, cater for legal and other requirements, and provide guidance in preparation for emergency situations.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Communications Procedure View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

6.2: Organisation objectives and planning to achieve them

6.2.1: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) - ACI Global's business objectives, align closely with both its corporate social responsibility statement, mission, vision, values and culture and its risk-based thinking process approach, accountability, chain of responsibility (COR) and duty of care.

ACI Global assigns the necessary resources to ensure the following Key Business Objectives achieve the intended outcomes, are measurable and reviewed in accordance with its strategic business plan and business review process:

Reviewed at Business Review March 2024
Business Objectives Key Performance Indicators Monitoring / Reviewing Targets
Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, ethical behaviour, and compliance to legal and legislative requirements in undertaking its business activities; Annual Reporting of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Targets through Annual Reporting. Continuation of Founding Membership of the Global Reporting Initiative and Management Review of Performance Targets. Annual report presented on made public on ACI Global's Website and Renewal of Global Reporting Membership.
Maintenance of a zero debt to equity ratio to ensure continuity planning and ongoing support for all resources including employees, learners, mentors, stakeholders and interested parties; Zero to Debt-to-Equity ratio. Annual reporting to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Balanced books and financial maintenance of Zero Debt to equity overseen by a Registered Accountant. Annual report to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) presented on time, ASIC registration fees paid and Zero Debt to equity achieved for preceding Year.
Excellence in training and supporting professional development programs. Meeting Learners, Educational, Industry and Sponsoring Organisations Needs and Expectations. Ongoing feedback and discussions with all stakeholders. Planned new courses implemented, regular team meetings with Stakeholders and review of Personal SWOT analysis and CPD agreements for all candidates.
Recognition through ISO personal certification to Business Professionals and Industry and ISO Registration. Maintenance of ISO Certification and Industry and Stakeholder Recognition and Ongoing Personal Development of all learners. Continuous Professional Development Guarantees for all Learners, Lessons Learned, Self-Assessment, Audit and Continuous Improvement and SWOT Assessments. Renewal of both ISO Certification, GRI Membership and CPD Agreements for candidates renewed at the end of the 3-year Cycle.
Impartiality and Fairness in delivering learning and Certification outcomes; Maintenance of Global Reporting Partnership (GRI) and Corporate Social Responsibility Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report, Lessons Learned, Self-Assessment, Audit and Continuous Improvement. Annual CSR Report tabled and made public on website and continuous improvement plans reviewed and targets set for upcoming year.
Vehicle for continuous improvement/optimisation and security of personal information; Maintenance of ISO Certification and Industry and Stakeholder Recognition. Lessons Learned, Self-Assessment, Audit and Continuous Improvement. Continuous Improvement Plan discussed at Annual Business Review and Targets set for upcoming year.
Leadership role in the competitive market of Industry learning, Professional Development, Personal Certification and Industry and ISO Registration by providing professional support, secure online platforms, and Ethical and Secure Contractual arrangements for all parties; Compliance to Legal, Legislative and codes of Practice both National and International including accountability of learners, Maintenance of ISO Certification. Management Review, Regular team leaders’ meetings, controls in place to ensure notification of latest updates, communicated consulted and applied. Learners’ Legal obligations communicated both within the Academy and during Annual observations. Zero breaches to Legal, legislative and codes of practice and renewal of both ISO Certification and GRI membership.
Commitment to the health and wellbeing of its workers, facilitators, mentors, and learners; Corporate / Directors OHS responsibilities and maintenance of ISO Certification. Director’s responsibilities (Primary Duty of Care), accountabilities, executive meetings audit and continuous improvement. Zero breaches to Legal, legislative and codes of practice and renewal of both ISO Certification and GRI membership.
Maintenance of adequate resources to ensure ongoing support to those in need by providing graduate and cadetship programs globally. Ongoing meetings with Stakeholders, Maintenance of ISO Certification and Industry and Stakeholder Recognition through ongoing Collaboration and Relationship Management. Management Review, Executive meetings, Customer Feedback Surveys, Listening to the needs and expectations of learners and their sponsoring organisations. Resource plans and targets set and implemented at annual management review.
Commitment to accountability and responsibility in reference to both Primary Duty of Care and the chain of responsibility (COR) for the mitigation of Human Error. Ongoing meetings with Stakeholders, Maintenance of ISO Certification and Industry and Stakeholder Recognition through ongoing Collaboration and Relationship Management. Director’s responsibilities (Primary Duty of Care), accountabilities, management review, executive meetings audit and continuous improvement. Zero breaches to Legal, legislative and codes of practice and renewal of both ISO Certification and GRI membership.
Environmental Sustainability, accountability, and responsibility in reference to Natural resources and resource efficiency, Waste, Air, Water, Land and Changes to our Climate. Ongoing meetings with Stakeholders, Maintenance of ISO Certification and Industry and Stakeholder Recognition through ongoing Collaboration and Relationship Management. Director’s responsibilities (Primary Duty of Care), accountabilities, management review, executive meetings audit and continuous improvement. Maintenance of responsible practices to ensure we pass on to our future Leaders a better, more Sustainable, Prosperous and Family oriented Society in the years to come so as to Drive Accelerating Continuous Improvement in Sustained Business Success.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report View
  • Educational Policy View
  • Quality Policy View
  • Compliance Policy View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Environmental and Sustainability Policy View
  • Information Security Policy View
  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework View
  • Executive Business Review View
  • Self-Assessment process View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

6.2.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Planning to achieve the Business Objectives - ACI Global has identified its operational objectives and where these may be supported or enhanced through the adoption of both compliance outcomes and collaborative working approaches, or where additional external partners may be required in order to achieve targeted outcomes.

The organisation has established its compliance business management objectives at all relevant functions and levels of its business ensuring business objectives are:

  • consistent with all the organisations policies;
  • consistent with the organisation’s compliance obligations;
  • measurable (where practicable) and consider applicable requirements;
  • be monitored and communicated effectively; and,
  • updated as appropriate.

The organisation retains documented information on its compliance business management objectives and are integrated into its corporate RMP.

When planning how to achieve its compliance business management objectives, ACI Global determines:

  • what will be done;
  • what resources will be required;
  • who will be responsible, including the role of collaborative partners;
  • when it will be completed;
  • how the results of the collaboration will be evaluated;
  • how potential partners’ objectives will be addressed;
  • how the objectives will be evaluated to ensure they remain relevant.

The objectives and targets are being reviewed in line with the organisation’s annual strategic business plan and Business Review.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Educational Policy View
  • Quality Policy View
  • Compliance Policy View
  • Environmental and Sustainability Policy View
  • Information Security Policy View
  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Key Strategic Business Plan (Not Available for Public Viewing)..
  • Continuous Improvement Framework View
  • ACI Global Executive Business Review View
  • ACI Global Quality Improvements Register View

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6.3 Planning of changes

ACI Global's business objectives are determined through Risk based thinking and a process approach. Accountability chain of responsibility (COR) and duty of care has been determined, with the necessary resources allocated to ensure business objectives achieve the intended outcomes. Changes to the EOM systems are planned in accordance with the organisations continuity planning process as can be seen within the E-Quip portal changes to and reviews made of learning and training programs in conformance to requirements with the following key criteria considered:

  • the organisations continuity plans;
  • the purpose of the changes and their potential consequences;
  • the design and operational effectiveness of the compliance management system;
  • the availability of adequate resources;
  • the allocation or reallocation of responsibilities and authorities.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Educational Policy View
  • Quality Policy View
  • Compliance Policy View
  • Environmental and Sustainability Policy View
  • Information Security Policy View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

7 - Support


ACI Global QA Manual


7.1: Resources


7.1.1: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) General - ACI Global provides the resources needed on an ongoing basis to establish, implement (planned changes), and maintain the EOMS in conformance to requirements. The process is in line with key business development and strategic plans and adding value and continuous improvement to the organisation through ongoing productivity gains and operational efficiencies.

The organisations infrastructure and work environments maintenance plans (online platform ACI Global’s Academy) provide the necessary environment for the organisation to provide the products and services in conformity to requirements as outlined within its scope of activities. Learner engagement and satisfaction is monitored through one-on-one engagement with the candidate and facilitator or mentor so as to ensure ACI throughout the learning process, and achievement of learning outcomes.


Facilitators and mentors have a direct line of communication through to both the course administrator and the managing director to continually improve competence and capability with a three-year CPD agreement in place for all staff. Industry participation and the candidates sponsoring organisation are provided regular updates and are fully involved in course and candidate’s activities and progress.

ACI Global through strategic planning and business review determines and monitor's which resources shall be provided for both by its business activities and through ongoing consultation and communication provided to its external providers such as Digital Learning Service the provider of ACI Global's Online Learning Platform the ACI Academy. ACI Global ensures that the needs of learners with special needs are catered for by providing a variety of accessibility requirements to ensure Learners are not disadvantaged in any way.


7.1.2,, (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Human Resources - Facilitators and mentors along with Agents and contractors are provided the necessary resources to maintain and continually improve the EOMS and for the operation and control of its processes. When required ACI Global will determine, implement, and publish recruitment and or selection criteria, which shall be available to relevant interested parties for any additional resources in accordance with its strategic business plans. Documented information is maintained in accordance with its legal obligations.


7.1.3,,, (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Facilities (Infrastructure) - ACI Global in association with Digital Learning Solutions provides an secure online platform "ACI Academy" suitable and consistent with its strategic direction of providing a seamless and family oriented environment for all learners including facilitators mentors and sponsoring organisations so as to achieve Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) in Professional Development ensuring Capability and sustained business success.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • ACI Global's Legal and Legislative Register View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework View

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7.1.4: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Environment for the operation of processes - Strategic plans and requirements with adequate documentation and safety controls including emergency and continuity planning are in place to ensure compliance to requirements from its interested parties. Maintenance and Improvements including emergency planning and evacuations and workplace environments (employee health and wellbeing stress discrimination etc.) are all adequately covered by polices displayed throughout the workplace (Website and academy) and align with the organisation’s strategic direction.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View
  • Legal and Legislative Register View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

7.1.5: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS) Monitoring and measuring resources, General - Monitoring and measurement of resources conforms to both the organisations key strategic resource productivity targets and both industry and ISO requirements. Work reviews are undertaken in conjunction with learning and training programs and assessment targets and results of these assessments are provided to the Leadership Team when completed. The overall assessment is supported by timed course/assessment reviews to ensure that any issues of concern can be managed within the e-quip portal and academy and corrective action process as they arise and are not left until course/assessment completion.

Personnel reviews are carried out through performance appraisals of all key personnel involved in either the course or assessment activities with key performance and measurable personal performance targets monitored to ensure key productivity levels are maintained. Health monitoring is undertaken through the organisation’s employee assist program.

The organisations skills, qualifications and capability training program and skills register (Hogan personal Disciplines and Agile key performance indicators) caters for and ensures the correct level of skill and capability of its people and resources, are suitable for the specific monitoring and measurement activities undertaken and are fit for purpose.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Privacy Policy View
  • Curriculum Design Policy View
  • Delivery of Learning Services View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • Management of ISO Personal Certification Services View
  • ACI Academy - Observations and assessments - Not for Public viewing
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

<----------Return to Table of Contents----------> (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS) Measurement traceability - ACI Global has limited or no exposure to the measurement of equipment via calibration.

7.1.6: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Organisational Knowledge, General – ACI Global has determined the knowledge necessary for the operation of all its processes to achieve conformity of its services in conformance to requirements. The organisation uses both internal sources such as intellectual property, experienced facilitators and mentors ongoing lessons learned from both successful and failed learning and training programs and external sources such as standards and industry bodies. There is a clearly defined skills register maintained with verification of competency performed in line with the organisations resource and continuous and continuity plans in line with guidance from ongoing involvement with Industry bodies.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 International Facilitators Program View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

<----------Return to Table of Contents----------> (CBMS - Q and EOMS) Learning Resources - ACI Global provides learning resources as appropriate and considers special needs and other beneficiaries which are reviewed within both the learning and certification process. Facilitators and Mentors logs are available within the e-Quip portal and Academy.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Privacy Policy View
  • Curriculum Design Policy View
  • Delivery of Learning Services View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • Management of ISO Personal Certification Services View
  • ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 International Facilitators Program View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

7.2: Competence capability and maturity

7.2.1 General - A clearly defined Competence Capability and Maturity Program has been developed implemented and maintained for the "Competence Management" and "People Development" to determine its Organisational, Team, individual competence, capability and maturity and the assessing of current competence, capability, maturity, and development needs. The organisations Competence Program and supporting processes are regularly reviewed in line with its continuous and continuity plans and during its monitoring and verifications process and Management Review Meetings.

As an International Educational and Training provider ACI Global through its Curriculum Design Development and Evaluation Process (DACUM & SCID) develops through an extensive analysis and verification process the necessary Competency training materials to support an Organisation Competency Management and Peoples Management Program for details on ACI Global's DACUM & SCID Process refer below required documentation.

The organisation has processes in place to ensure accountability and chain of responsibility (COR of all employees, while performing their work, through co-operation with the leadership team, middle-management and facilitators and mentors in fulfilling their responsibilities. Human Error is addressed through a statement of “Duty of Care” with every person in the workplace understanding and considering not only his or her own actions within the workplace, but also the protection of the health and wellbeing of by others and takes into consideration the following:

  • determine the necessary competence and behaviour of person(s) doing work under its control that affects its compliance business management performance;
  • ensure that these persons are competent and demonstrate the appropriate behaviour to work collaboratively based on appropriate education, training, or experience;
  • where applicable, take actions to acquire the necessary competence and capability to encourage appropriate behaviour, and evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken;
  • retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence, capability and behaviour that support collaborative working;
  • develop and maintain corporate culture and behaviour to support collaborative working;
  • where applicable, demonstrate an awareness of diversity and cultural sensitivity.
Reviewed at Business Review March 2024

Competence, Capability and People Development Program for Organisations and their People

Organisations Commit to a 3-year Triennial Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Program.

ACI Process

Organisations have their existing or newly established business systems verified and validated through an initial performance evaluation, inspection and audit of its people, their capability, maturity, development, and business processes.

ACI Process

Capability Level 1.1 - Competent, engaged, empowered, and motivated people are a resource in an informal or ad hoc manner.

Capability Level 1.2 - Competence development is provided in an informal or ad hoc manner.

ACI Process

Capability Level 2.1 - Processes to attract competent, engaged, empowered, and motivated people are implemented.

Capability Level 2.2 - Processes for determining, developing, evaluating, and improving resources are evident in some cases.

Capability Level 2.3 - Some competence reviews have been implemented with the use of Hogan Insight Series - Leadership Profiling.

ACI Process

Capability Level 3.1 - A planned, transparent, ethical, and socially responsible approach is applied at all levels throughout the organisation.

Capability Level 3.2 - Reviews and evaluations of the effectiveness of actions taken ensure to personal competences (in both the short and long term) are in accordance with the mission, vision, and objectives.

Capability Level 3.3 - Acknowledgement of Leadership Development with the use of Hogan Facilitation and Leadership Series.

ACI Process

Capability Level 4.1 - Information, knowledge and experience are shared to provide personal growth.

Capability Level 4.2 - Learning, knowledge transfer and teamwork within the organisation are evident.

Capability Level 4.3 - Competence development is provided to develop skills for creativity and improvement.

Capability Level 4.4 - People are aware of their personal competences and where they can best contribute to the organisation’s improvement.

Capability Level 4.5 - Career planning is well developed with the use of the Hogan Leadership and Coaching Series.

ACI Process

Capability Level 5.1 - The results achieved for competent, capable, engaged, empowered, and motivated people are shared and compare well with the use of Hogan 360 Profiling.

Capability Level 5.2 - People across the organisation participate in the development of new and improved processes.

Capability Level 5.3 - World Best practices are recognised, ongoing and achieve Accelerating Continuous Improvement and Sustainability for the Organisation.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Curriculum Design Policy View
  • Recognition of Prior Learning View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development CPD Program View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development CPD Program for Postgraduates View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development CPD Program for Organisations and their people View
  • ACI Global's Facilitators and Mentors View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 International Facilitators Program View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

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7.2.2: (Q and EOMS) Additional requirements for special needs education - ACI Global resource processes are effective in supplying additional resources to support its facilitators and mentors when needed to ensure that all facilitators and mentors having contact with learners with special needs have appropriate specialised training which includes:

  • Meeting the learning needs of learners who have different requirements;
  • Differentiated instruction and assessment;
  • Peer support; and
  • Providing access to a network of specialists.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 International Facilitators Program View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

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7.2.2: (CMS) Employment Process -ACI Global has a clearly defined employment process in relation to all its personnel underpinned by its Recognition of Prior Learning Process and showed that:

  • conditions of employment require personnel to comply with the organisation’s compliance obligations, policies, processes, and procedures;
  • within a reasonable period of their employment commencing, personnel receive a copy of, or are provided with access to, the compliance policy and training in relation to that policy;
  • appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken against personnel who violate the organisation’s compliance obligations, policies, processes, and procedures.
  • Human Error is addressed through a statement of “Duty of Care” with every person in the workplace understanding and considering not only his or her own actions within the workplace, but also the protection of the health and wellbeing of by others refer to clause 8.
  • As part of the employment process, the organisation shall consider the compliance risks posed by roles and by personnel and apply due diligence procedures as required prior to any hiring, transfer, and promotion.
  • The organisation has implemented a process that provides for a periodic review of performance targets, performance bonuses and other incentives, to verify that there are appropriate measures in place to prevent encouraging noncompliance.

7.2.3: (CMS) Training - ACI Global provides relevant personnel with training on a regular basis, from the time of commencement of employment and at planned intervals determined by the organisation and its Competence Program, in line with its compliance obligations. Sampling demonstrated that the training provided is:

  1. appropriate to the roles and Capability of personnel and the compliance risks to which personnel are exposed;
  2. assessed for effectiveness;
  3. reviewed regularly; and,
  4. appropriate documented information to demonstrate conformance to both ISO, Industry and its own requirement is maintained.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Recognition of Prior Learning View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development CPD Program View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development CPD Program for Post Graduates View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development CPD Program for Organisations and their people View
  • ACI Global's Facilitators and Mentors View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 International Facilitators Program View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

7.3: Awareness


ACI Global has processes in place to ensure accountability of all employees (facilitators and mentors), while performing their work, through co-operation with the leadership team in fulfilling their responsibilities for delivering learners outcomes as outlined above 5.1 and 6.1.

It is further noted that ACI Global has plans in place to ensure that all people doing work under its control shall be aware of the following:

  • The organisations policies including it collaborative business relationship, quality, environmental, health and safety and information security policies.
  • Their contribution to the effectiveness and improved performance of the organisations EOMS/CBMS; and,
  • The implications of not conforming with the CBMS requirements.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Communications Procedure View
  • ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 International Facilitators Program View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

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7.4: Communication


7.4.1: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) General - Communication processes have been established by the organisation to provide for the consistent and reliable flow of information upwards, downwards and across the organisation as required. It provides for both the gathering and the dissemination of all quality assurance and business-related information. Pertinent information relating to diversity aspects such as gender, language, culture, literacy, and disability are considered when reporting and the process also considers its legal and other requirements.


7.4.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Internal and External communication - ACI Global has determined its needs for communication with external interested parties and has considered both its normal operations and potential emergency situations. External communication processes include the identification of designated contact individuals and their contact numbers, and this allows for the appropriate information to be communicated in a consistent manner.


Daily communication processes are in place (email and MS Teams) with all facilitators and mentors ensuring the process communication relating to system performance (quality, educational, health and safety and environmental) is consistent with the organisation’s mission, vision, strategy, and policy and is effective and fully controlled. Other methods utilized are memos, phone calls, video conferencing and senior team leader’s meetings, further demonstrating how information is effectively and efficiently communicated throughout the organisation.


Learner’s satisfaction and any questions relating to assessments are covered at the completion and start of each assessment undertaken throughout each course or program.


The organisations Policies are effectively communicated throughout the business and its effectiveness is evident through a strong empathy towards “Quality Assurance” by learners, facilitators, and mentors’ involvement in the referencing of such as required for Educational, health and safety and environmental expectations.


Amendments to legislative, statutory, national and industry requirements, relevant to the organisations business activities, including the possible impact on workers (facilitators mentors and learners) are communicated both within the organisation and externally including its interested parties (other beneficiaries) as required and feasible and feasible.


7.4.3,, (CBMS - EOMS) Communication arrangements - ACI Global through its Academy has determined and implemented effective arrangements for communicating with learners and other interested parties in relation to:

  • Policy's and strategic plan;
  • Design, content, and delivery of its training and professional services;
  • Customer enquiries, application, admission, registration, enrolment, assessment marking, feedback, and complaints;
  • Candidates performance data, including results of formative and summative assessments;
  • Candidates, facilitators Mentors and interested parties’ feedback, including candidate’s complaints and candidates/interested parties’ satisfaction surveys.

ACI Global provides within the Academy 24/7 contact with both the candidates, their supporting organisation, facilitator, or mentor and if necessary, the course administrator, to resolve any unresolved issues. Communication processes are monitored and measured throughout the course or program via survey's, the results are assessed and considered by the course facilitator, mentors, and administrator for recommended amendment, if necessary to ensure ACI Global's feedback assessed through ACI Global's continuous improvement process is functioning.

Communication overview as it relates to ACI Global's Interested Parties - Reviewed at Business Review March 2024
Categories Learners Staff Parents and Guardians Government External Providers Agents Competitors
Secondary H I H R H R H I M C M Ch H Ch
Apprenticeships H R H R N H C M C M Ch M Ch
Professionals H R H R N H C M C M Ch M Ch
Professional Development H I N N N N N N
Recognition of Prior Learning H I N N N N N N
Tutoring, coaching, and mentoring. H C H C M C L Ch M C H Ch M Ch
Primary Duty of Care H I H R H R H I M C M Ch H Ch
Level of interest: High (H); Medium (M); Low(L); None (N)
Level of participation: Involved (I); Consulted (C); Represented (R); Checked (Ch)
These categories may be interpreted differently in different national and international contexts.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Communications Procedure View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services - 7 Communication Management View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • Management of ISO Personal Certification Services View

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7.5 Documented information


7.5.1 (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) General - ACI Global has in place adequate processes to cover all legal, regulatory, and statutory requirements. The contract negotiation and customer communication process is performed in a process and effective manner and is recorded in the quality control plans needs analysis and learning and assessment plans. The use of specific e-quip portal checklists actioned on throughout the course development process ensures service requirements are met as specified and these are recorded in the course and assessment files.


Through planning, monitoring, and control ACI Global addresses all relative legal statutory and regulatory statutory work safe and industry requirements and how these apply to quality assurance aspects and legal requirements including local statutory rules and regulations (Council) and other statutory and regulatory requirements National Employment Standards (Fair Work Australia), Work Safe and Environmental Protection Authority.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Information Security Policy: View
  • Legal and Legislative Register: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View

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7.5.2 (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Creating and updating, 7.5.3: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Control of documentation - ACI Global has appropriate processes and documentation for the control of its documentation which demonstrates conformity to both the EOMS and also to the requirements of all Standards including statutory and regulatory requirements and those of interested parties such as listed above "Context of the organisation".


All key ACI Global Documentation is reviewed and updated in line with both ACI Global's Key Strategic Objectives and Goals and the intent of all applicable ISO Standards during the organisations regular Business Review Activities.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • ACI Global Documentation Control Policy View
  • Information Security Policy: View
  • Educational Organisations Management System ISO 21001:2018 View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Curriculum Design Policy View
  • Delivery of Learning Services View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8 - Operation


ACI Global QA Manual


8.1: Operational planning and control

8.1.1: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) General - ACI Global has established and implemented operational processes, plans and controls to enhance Quality Assurance (QMS/EOMS, OHS, EMS and ISM) outcomes in relation to its "Context" 4.4 in conformance to requirements. The processes applied Control and Manage undesired effects, hazards, aspects and risk and opportunities by striving for increased productivity through high staff morale, elimination of hazards (social, psychological, and physical), environmental contamination and data theft to reduce business risks (6.1) to levels as low as reasonably practicable for operational areas and activities for example:

  • determining requirements for the educational products and services;
  • establishing criteria for the processes;
  • determining the resources needed to achieve conformity to the educational product and service requirements;
  • implementing control of the processes in accordance with the criteria; and,
  • determining and keeping documented information to the extent necessary so as ACI Global has confidence that its processes have been carried out as planned and they demonstrate conformity of its learning and personal certification services to their requirements.

ACI Global has given priority to planning and control options with higher reliability in preventing and eliminating where possible work-related injury and ill health through monitoring of employee morale and health and wellbeing, through business policies to achieve stated QA outcomes. Planning and Operational controls are used in a variety of different ways for example work procedures and instructions, performance review and assessment and Employee procurement and facilitator and mentor assessments in conformance to Requirement 8.4.

The Organisation manages planned changes that impact on its business and QMS, EOMS, ISMS EMS and OHS performance in line with the organisations strategic planning process. The organisation has implemented and uses appropriate and applicable methodology for risk and opportunity assessment that may rise as an outcome of any possible changes into the future. The organisation has implemented processes to ensure that unexpected effects, hazards and or Aspects that may cause an increase on its risk profile do not happen as a result of change recently implemented in the organisation. The organisation ensures that all employees that are affected from possible changes to be implemented, are appropriately informed and capable to cope with the transformation.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Registration and enrolment process View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Curriculum Design Policy View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • Management of ISO Personal Certification Services View

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8.1.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Eliminating effects, hazards, aspects and reducing risks - The organisation has established processes for the elimination of effects, hazards, aspects, and reduction of risks using the hierarchy of controls. The hierarchy of controls are set to reduce the risks in terms of quality issues, safety, health, and possible environmental impact at work at the lowest level possible and practical to do so. The hierarchy of controls is based on risk management principles from ISO 31000:2018 ensuring the need to select controls that are most feasible, effective, and permanent by identifying and evaluating control options using the hierarchy of controls.

8.1.3: (CBMS - EOMS) Specific operational planning and control of educational products and services - ACI Global has planned and developed processes from the commencement of the learner’s professional development journey to completion of learning (assessment by assessment feedback and support) and the commencement of their 3 yearly professional development Guarantee. Prior to Registering and enrolling the learner is made aware of the following:

  • Special needs;
  • learning outcomes;
  • ensuring appropriate and accessible teaching methods and learning environments;
  • defining the criteria for learning assessments;
  • conducting learning assessment;
  • defining and conducting improvement methods;
  • providing support services.

Learners are provided a comprehensive overview of the course before they register and enrol, going through a process of validation of Identity "Face up or back off" and then having to verify both their identity and email address before actually paying for their course and then commencing the enrolment process. Once enrolled candidates reconfirm privacy

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Registration and enrolment process View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Curriculum Design Policy View
  • Delivery of Learning Services View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • Management of ISO Personal Certification ServicesView
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.1.4: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Management of change - ACI Global have processes that have been implemented to ensure planned changes that impact Quality, Educational, Environmental, OHS and ISMS performance are evaluated using proper applicable methodology for risk and opportunity assessment that as far as practical can eliminate such risks. The organisations policies and processes aim to ensure that unexpected hazards and an increase on risk profile do not happen because of change recently implemented in the organisation. The organisation communication and consultation process work to ensure that all employees that are affected from a change implemented in the organisation, are appropriately informed and capable to cope with the transformation.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Communications Procedure View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View
  • Management of ISO Personal Certification ServicesView

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.1.5 (CBMS - EOMS) Additional requirements for special needs education - ACI Global has developed specific processes to enable it to assess and develop specific tools (Scanning Pen and Assessment Readers) and provided specialist facilitators so to cater for the following:

  • Show flexibility to support the learner co-construction of the learning process based on skills, abilities, and interest, including approaches such as:
  • Adaptive instruction;
  • Accelerated or enriched content;
  • Allowing enrolment in two distinct programs or educational organizations;
  • Individually tailored measures according to specific needs and recognition of prior learning (RPL);
  • Curriculum adjustment or modification of the education program to match the learner specific profile, above or below the default age-appropriate grade or level expectations for a particular subject or course;
  • Recognition of prior learning and experience;
  • Facilitate a team environment with adequate resources to support individual learners to meet their optimal potential; and,
  • Provide linkages to workplace opportunities;

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Special Needs Policy View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Recognition of Prior Learning View
  • Curriculum Design Policy View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.1.6: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Procurement, General - ACI Global has implemented and continues to maintain controls for the procurement of goods and services in order to ensure that when goods are purchased such as software (e-Quip), office suppliers, hazardous substances Inks, or any equipment needed by the organisation are evaluated so as to ensure they conform to the requirements of its service contracts and policy commitments. Policies in place ensure that all goods and services that are purchased will not compromise QMS, EOMS, ISMS OHS or EMS practices within the workplace. The organisation commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility along with the health and wellbeing of its workforce is used to promote the business and enhance the organisations reputation as a serious professional organisation.

Arrangements are in place to clearly communicate the QMS, EOMS, ISMS, OHS and EMS requirements to facilitators or mentors under contract. Ongoing reviews during monthly leadership meetings ensure that the processes are appropriate and effective in relationship to the C, QMS, EOMS, ISMS Effects, OHS and EMS hazards and aspects and risks associated with the work to be performed. In addition to this, the organisation communicates the consequences associated with nonconformity with CMS, QMS, EOMS, ISMS OHS and EMS requirements.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Privacy Policy View
  • Special Needs Policy View
  • Curriculum Design Policy View
  • Delivery of Learning Services View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • Collaborative Business Relationship Management Plan (RMP) View
  • Management of ISO Personal Certification Services View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

<----------Return to Table of Contents----------> (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Contracting, Outsourcing - ACI Global has established clear policies and guidelines regarding the procurement of its Contracted facilitators and Mentors so as to ensure the establishment of the coordination of activities through defined process to ensure a clear understanding of their commitment and accountability to the organisations Values, Goals and related Quality, Educational, Information Security, Environmental and Health and Safety commitments it adheres to. Verification that the contractors can perform their tasks before allowing them to proceed with their work is validated through the following criteria:

  • Performance records of quality outcomes, peer and mentoring performance and compliance outcomes and safety and health and wellbeing targets;
  • Specify all criteria used to qualify, gain experience, and control the competence and capability of employees and contractors.
  • Training requirements and other requirements of employees and verification of contractors training and capability are carried out against ACI Global’s Needs and Task assessments in accordance to the ACI Global International Facilitators Program.
  • Assessment of all resources, equipment, and work preparation to ensure they are adequate and are ready to start work.

ACI Global complies to strict statutory and legal requirements through its registrations and affiliations with ISO and Standards Australia (Standards Licensing) to ensure that its employees and or contractors comply with the organisation core Values and its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Privacy Policy View
  • Special Needs Policy View
  • Heads of Agreements: (DLS and SAI Global) Not for Public Viewing.
  • ACI Recognition of Prior Learning View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

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8.2: Emergency preparedness and response

8.2: Emergency preparedness and response - Regular drills are undertaken at both Office and sites (Witnessed Observations) if applicable in accordance with its own business continuity plans with records kept and sighted to demonstrate preparation and review of the outcomes.

Planning, risk, and opportunities to improve are ongoing in line with continuity plans to cater for any “Unplanned Event” effecting the organisations sustainability performance.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Emergency Response Framework View
  • Digital Information Security Framework 11.3 Disaster Recovery Plans View
  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.2.1: Information security risk assessment - ACI Global carries out regular disaster recovery drills at both Office and at the location of ACI Global e-Quip servers in accordance with its own business continuity plans with records kept to demonstrate preparation and review of the outcomes planning, risk and opportunities to improve.

ACI Global performs information security risk assessments at planned intervals or when significant changes are proposed or occur, taking account of the criteria established in 6.1.2.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Digital Information Security Framework 11.3 Disaster Recovery Plans View
  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.2: Establishing controls and procedures, Requirements for educational products and services

8.2.1: (CMS) Establishing controls and procedures The organisation has implemented controls to manage its compliance obligations and associated compliance risks. These controls are maintained, periodically reviewed, and tested to ensure their continuing effectiveness.

NOTE Testing controls means conducting a designed exercise to see whether the control does what was intended or cannot be bypassed or is effective in reducing the impact or likelihood of the risk.

It was further noted that the organisation has an effective process to cover all business activities which is supported by a review and evaluation process to ensure the management of the process during the review of the tender, request for quotation, scope of works, risk assessment reviews and training and induction records in line with both its own and that of industry and ISO requirements.


8.2.1: (CBMS, Q) Customer Communication, (CBMS - EOMS) Determining the requirements for the educational products and services - ACI Global when determining the requirements for the educational products and services to be offered to learners and other beneficiaries (Sponsoring Organisations or Agents), it ensures that the requirements for the educational products and services are clearly defined and in line with both its Strategic Business Plans, Annual Corporate Social and Responsibility Statement and International and National demands and developments.

ACI Global's process involves needs analysis, that is performed to determine requirements of (current and potential future) learners and other beneficiaries, those with special needs

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Curriculum Design Policy View
  • Delivery of Learning Services View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Special Needs Policy View
  • Delivery of Learning Services View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • Management of ISO Personal Certification Services View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.2.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Determining the requirements for products and services - The evaluation process determined that the organisation has in place adequate processes to cover its own and all legal, regulatory, and statutory requirements. The contract negotiation and customer communication process is performed in a process and effective manner and is recorded in web portal, consignment notes and resource records for each project/job undertaken.

ACI Global through planning, monitoring and control address all relative legal statutory and regulatory rules and regulations refer to Interested Parties (Statutory and Regulatory Bodies) "Context of the Organisation". The organisation has adequate processes and controls in place to address any claims or issues relating to its products or services offered.


8.2.3: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Review of the requirements for products and services, The organisation shall ensure that it has the ability to meet the requirements for products and services and also commits to conduct a review before committing to supply. - ACI Global has identified all compliance obligations as well as required all review documentation on its learning and training programs needs analysis as specified by its own and its interested parties 4.2 and in conformance to requirements. Variations or any changes made during the delivery of the training program are adequately handled through its web portal Program Scope and QCC's within e-Quip with continuous improvement across all business activities being monitored and measured in line with its strategic business plans.

Statutory and regulatory compliance requirements covering products and services are managed within MYOB and e-quip with the request for quote and set up phase with all effects, hazards aspects, risks and opportunities and health and wellbeing issues covered. (CBMS - Q, EOMS) The organisation shall retain documented information as applicable - ACI Global provides as required all review documentation on completed needs analysis training programs, key competencies and learning outcomes as specified by its interested parties 4.2 in conformance to requirements.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Communications and Consultation Procedure View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services - 7 Communication Management View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Special Needs Policy View
  • Curriculum Design Policy View
  • Delivery of Learning Services View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • Management of ISO Personal Certification Services View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.2.4: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Changes to requirements for products and services. – - ACI Global ensures relevant information is amended as required when a review is conducted on documentation of completed needs analysis training programs, key competencies and learning outcomes as specified by its interested parties 4.2 in conformance to requirements.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Communications and Consultation Procedure View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services - 7 Communication Management View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Special Needs Policy View
  • Curriculum Design Policy View
  • Delivery of Learning Services View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Management of ISO Learning Services View
  • Management of ISO Personal Certification Services View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.3: Design and Development

8.3.1 - 8.3.5: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Changes to requirements for products and services – The organisation has a defined process for design from concept Needs Analysis right the way through to the final record of key deliverables (Key Competencies and Evidence Guides) and associated work instructions. Variations are monitored and checked against original design specification and the process through to re issue and verification and validation conforms to the organisations key business objectives.

The Managing Director is the Academy administrator and approves all course changes including new courses and program developed within the ACI Global Academy.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

8.3: (CMS) Raising Concerns

8.3.1: (CMS) - Raising concerns - ACI Global has established, implemented, and maintains a process to encourage and enable the reporting of (in cases of reasonable grounds to believe that the information is true) attempted, suspected or actual violations of the compliance policy or compliance obligations.

The process strives to establish a reporting culture that shall:

  • be visible and accessible throughout the organisation;
  • treat reports confidentially;
  • accept anonymous reports;
  • protect those making reports from retaliation; and,
  • enable personnel to receive advice.

ACI Global ensures that all personnel are aware of the reporting procedures, their rights and protections and can use them.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Compliance Policy View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework View
  • Internal Audit Program View
  • Quality Improvements Register View
  • Executive Business Review View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.3: (ISMS) Information security risk treatment

ACI Global has implemented the necessary information security plans to protect personal data and retains documentation as appropriate.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Enterprise Risk Management Framework and Business Continuity Plan View
  • Resilience and Business Continuity Plan: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.4: Investigation Process, Control of externally provided processes, products, and services


8.4: (CMS) Investigation Process - ACI Global has developed, established, implemented, and maintains processes to assess, evaluate, investigate, and close reports on suspected or actual instances of noncompliance. Sampling determined that these processes ensure fair and impartial decision-making.

The investigation processes are carried out independently and without conflict of interests by competent personnel. Sampling showed that the organisation uses the outcomes of investigations for the improvement of the compliance management system as appropriate (see Clause 10).

The organisation ensures reports on the numbers and outcomes of investigations are reported to the organisations governing body or top management.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Compliance Policy View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework View
  • Internal Audit Program View
  • Executive Business Review View
  • Quality Improvements Register View
  • Self-Assessment process View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.4.1 (CBMS - QMS, EOMS) General, 8.4.2 Type and extent of control and 8.4.3 Information for external providers - ACI Global operates within confirmed and specified guidelines from and for its interested parties (4.2), and through well-defined processes for products and services provided which are controlled and conform to requirements. The processes are effective for the dissemination of Information from its interested parties covering competence, VOC, quality, and compliance of service in line with delivering desired outcomes.

The Managing Director is the Academy administrator and approves all course changes.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Delivery of Learning Services View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.5: Delivery of educational products and services

8.5.1: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Control of delivery of educational products and services, (CBMS - Q, EOMS) General - ACI Global has a defined process for this requirement with documentation in conformance to its requirements, those of its interested parties and ISO. Suitable monitoring and measuring are undertaken and the impact of Human Error on service provision outcomes has been addressed with the organisation having a "Code of Conduct Policy" within the organisations Roles and Responsibilities for all employees signed off within the induction process.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Leadership Team View
  • Privacy Policy View
  • Special Needs Policy View
  • Code of Conduct Policy View
  • Roles and Responsibilities View

<----------Return to Table of Contents----------> (CBMS - EOMS) Admission of learners, Pre-admission information, Conditions for admission - ACI Global has defined and implemented specific guidance notes and guidelines to ensure that before learners are admitted in a uniform way without predacious or bias, they are provided with the following information:

  • adequate information that considers ACI Global's requirements, as well as its commitment to social responsibility and sustainability;
  • adequate and clear information about the intended learning methodologies, outcomes and career perspectives and opportunities;
  • the participation of learners, and other beneficiaries as appropriate, in their professional development journey;
  • admission criteria and costs of the educational product or service;
  • required prior learning and or skills and qualifications required for the learner’s professional development journey.

ACI Global has a highly visible and secure registry of all enrolments and the information gained is done so with the agreement of the learner and or their beneficiary and the Data stored is done so in accordance with ACI Global's compliance to both ISO standards and GDPR guidelines.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Privacy Policy View
  • Special Needs Policy View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Delivery, Registration, Payment, and Enrolment Process View
  • Learners Registration View
  • Professionals Register View

<----------Return to Table of Contents----------> (CBMS - EOMS) Delivery of educational products and services, Summative assessment, Recognition of assessed learning - ACI Global has defined and implemented specific guidance notes, guidelines, training programs, assessment criteria and personal certification processes and retains the necessary documentation covering the following requirements:

  • Plagiarism;
  • Assessment and marking protocols;
  • Communication of assessment and marking decisions;
  • Communication of clarification and mediation upon appeal regarding disputed assessment and marking decisions;
  • Provision of feedback throughout the course or program;
  • Provision of a detailed "Learning Outcomes" at the completion of all courses or programs.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Digital Information Security Framework View

<----------Return to Table of Contents----------> - (CBMS - EOMS) Additional requirements for special needs education - ACI Global reviews all feedback from its learners, facilitators, Mentors, Beneficiary Organisations, Industry bodies to continually improve its services. Individual learners who require specific assistance with learning to achieve the agreed professional development journey are accommodated in a manner that balances learner requirements, the integrity of the learning outcomes, and capacity of ACI Global in line with its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Privacy Policy View
  • Special Needs Policy View
  • Impartiality Policy View
  • Graduate/Cadetship Program View
  • Continuous Professional Development Agreement View
  • Lifetime Learning Program View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.5.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Identification and traceability - Prior to procuring goods and services, ACI Global identifies appropriate procurement controls as required with the use of MYOB software controlling goods in and goods out controls, consignment notes, within MYOB and e-Quip for training and learning programs and specific files in conformance to requirements. The procurement controls used are effective in identifying and evaluating potential QA issues (QA/EOMS/ISMS effects, OHS risks and EMS Aspects associated with the preparation of all programs or services before their introduction into the workplace.

Considerations have been applied to include requirements for supplies, equipment, raw materials toners, internet access and other goods and related services purchased by the ACI to conform to the organisation's quality and compliance objectives and its need for information, participation, and communication.


ACI Global from within the e-Quip portal and Academy, ensure secure identification and traceability including assessment outcomes and facilitator and mentor observations.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Digital Information Security Framework View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.5.3: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Property belonging to customers or external providers - ACI Global has an effective process supported by the required documentation "Contracts, Heads of Agreements and Service Agreements" for the protection of property belonging to its interested parties such as Digital Learning Services as referenced above 4.2 in conformance to requirements.

ACI Global retains documented evidence of all data in line with its privacy and data protection processes to both the EU GDPR and ISO 17021 Standard.

The ACI Global Academy is secured in line with the above standards with access to all sensitive data such as learners’ details, enrolments, assessment marking and course outcomes only available to the course administrator. Access is only available upon a software download allowing standalone access only.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

8.5.4: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Preservation - ACI Global has an effective process supported by the required documentation "Contracts, Heads of Agreements and Licenses, for the preservation of ISO standards and other intellectual property provided to Learners, Facilitators and Mentors during their Professional Development Journey in conformance ACI Global's and ISO requirements.

ACI Global retains documented evidence of all data in line with its privacy and data protection processes to both the EU GDPR and ISO 17021 Standard.

The ACI Global Academy is secured in line with the above standards with access to all sensitive data such as learners’ details, enrolments, assessment marking and course outcomes only available to the course administrator. Access is only available upon a software download allowing stand-alone access only.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

8.5.5: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Post-delivery activities including protection and transparency of learner’s data - ACI Global has adequate processes in place to demonstrate conformity with this requirement to satisfy both its own strategic planning objectives and those of its interested parties (Learners) in conformance to requirements. ACI Global retains documented evidence of all data in line with its privacy and data protection processes to both the EU GDPR and ISO 17021 Standard.

The ACI Global Academy is secured in line with the above standards with access to all sensitive data such as learners’ details, enrolments, assessment marking and course outcomes only available to the course administrator. Access is only available upon a software download allowing stand-alone access only.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Privacy Policy View
  • Digital Information Security Framework View
  • Recognition of Prior Learning View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development CPD Program View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development CPD Program for Post Graduates View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development CPD Program for Organisations and their people View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.5.6: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Control of changes - ACI Global has adequate processes in place to satisfy both its own strategic planning objectives and those of its interested parties in conformance to requirements.

ACI Global retains documented evidence of all data in line with its privacy and data protection processes to both the EU GDPR and ISO 17021 Standard.

The ACI Global Academy is secured in line with the above standards with access to all sensitive data such as learners’ details, enrolments, assessment marking and course outcomes only available to the course administrator. Access is only available upon a software download allowing stand-alone access only.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

8.6: Release of products and services

ACI Global has a defined sign off process within the e-Quip portal to ensure programs and courses are verified and validated against key criteria (Needs Analysis, Key Competencies, Learning Outcomes) before release to learners with performance data being shared with the organisations interested parties in conformance to requirements.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework 5.5 Continual Improvement View
  • Internal Audit Program View
  • Verification and validation of Audit Outcomes by external audits View
  • Quality Improvements Register View
  • Executive Business Review View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

8.7: Control of the educational nonconforming outputs

8.7.1, 8.7.2, 8.7.3: (CBMS - Q, EOMS) Control of non-conforming outputs - ACI Global uses audit activities and its continuous improvement framework for all processes dealing with nonconforming outputs and undertakes the required actions to rectify if required with non-conformities regarding any part of completing the verification and validation of course content being corrected and signed off prior to release to its learners and other beneficiaries such as agents or the sponsoring organisation. Courses and or programs that are impacted in reference to ISO standards upgrades or new releases are upgraded, and new content approved using the same process.

Once a new course is peer reviewed and approved by selected Industry Experts the course content is transitioned into the e-Quip Portal "ACI Global's Academy" and aligned with Key Competencies, Minimum Deliverables and Evidence Guides.

The audit process also covers the full operation of the e-Quip Portal from access, assessment marking right the way through the learners Professional Development Journey to the issue of the Diploma. The ACI Global Academy is under a 24/7 support program to address any issues that may occur during the course undertaken by the learner.

Course administrators are provided a daily report covering any issues that may have occurred within the ACI Global Academy covering such issues as:

  • Internet Connectivity;
  • Learner Access issues for example (Password reset etc) and Special Needs and Verification of Identity
  • Learner assessment progress including both times taken to complete an assessment and the number of attempts to complete an assessment.
  • Learner progress through a course or program is monitored against the agreed timeframes set with their nominated facilitator.
  • Exception issues that may arise during the learner’s session on line within the ACI Global Academy.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework View
  • Internal Audit Program View
  • Verification and validation of Audit Outcomes by external audits View
  • Quality Improvements Register View
  • Executive Business Review View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

9 - Performance evaluation


ACI Global QA Manual


9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation

9.1.1: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS) General - Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation is appropriate to the size and nature of ACI Global's operations and monitoring and measuring results are used by the ACI Global during its evaluations of business performance covering all quality assurance outcomes including how its legal, Legislative, Industry and National requirements are being met and review of key processes.

Reviewed at Business Review March 2024
What needs to be monitored and measured? The methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation When/Who, is to perform the monitoring and measurement. When the Data being Analysed will be evaluated
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability CSRS Statement All key CSRS Targets, Principles, Objectives and ACI Global Policies Directors and Executive Team By Annual Business Management Review and Annual CSRS Report.
Learner satisfaction. Academy within each course. Facilitator and or mentor. During each course, including at the end of each assessment and conclusion of each course or program.
Sponsoring Organisations. Relationship Management Plan (RMP). Directors Executive Team. Monthly Executive Business Review.
Stakeholders Relationship Management Plan (RMP). Directors Executive Team. Monthly Executive Business Review.
EOMS/CBMS Third Party, External Auditors and Self-Assessment. IAF Certification Body (Adaptive Certifications) and External Contracted Auditors annually. By Annual Business Management Review.
Pestle and SWOT Analysis External Audits and Self-Assessment Monthly Executive Business Review. By Annual Business Management Review.
Interested Parties Customer Satisfactions Process External Audits and Relationship Management Plan By Annual Business Management Review.
Business Processes External Audits and Self-Assessment Monthly Executive Business Review. By Annual Business Management Review.
Policies External Audits and Self-Assessment Monthly Executive Business Review. By Annual Business Management Review.
Business Objectives External Audits and Self-Assessment Monthly Executive Business Review. By Annual Business Management Review.
Communication Arrangements External Audits and Self-Assessment Monthly Executive Business Review. By Annual Business Management Review.
Compliance including Legal and Foreseeable Risk Review Outcomes Business Review Inputs Monthly Executive Business Review. By Annual Business Management Review.
Business Review Outcomes Business Review Inputs Monthly Executive Business Review. By Annual Business Management Review with updates from Regulators.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Incident, Near Miss Register: View
  • Internal Audit Program: View
  • Executive Business Review: View
  • Quality Improvements Register: View
  • Self-Assessment process: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

9.1.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS) Customer satisfaction, learners, other beneficiaries and staff, Monitoring of satisfaction - The process of customer satisfaction is managed both within the ACI Global Academy along with senior management holding regular meetings with key interested parties such as those referenced above 4.2 to ensure the highest levels of customer satisfaction is maintained for each service undertaken.

Customer Satisfaction

Surveys are undertaken at the beginning of each course, during the course and at the completion of the learner’s course or program. Other beneficiaries are involved throughout the whole learning process and provide feedback and when appropriate take part as an observer during assessments. Key Stakeholders are evaluated through ACI Global's RMP at Executive Business and management Reviews.


9.1.2: (CBMS - E, OHS): Evaluation of Compliance ACI Global has established, implemented, and continues to maintain processes for evaluating compliance with legal and other requirements as outlined above 6.1.3. It is further noted that the ACI Global has determined the frequency and method(s) for the evaluation of compliance, evaluates compliance requirements, and acts if needed refer to 10.2 below and maintains knowledge and understanding of its compliance status with legal requirements and other requirements.

ACI Global retains documented information of the compliance evaluation result through its normal Executive and Business Review meetings and audit activities.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Compliance Policy: View
  • Compliance, Incident, Near Miss Report: View
  • Legal and Legislative Register: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Complaints Procedure: View
  • Internal Audit Program: View
  • Quality Improvements Register: View
  • Verification and validation of Audit Outcomes by external audits: View
  • Executive Business Review: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents----------> (CBMS - Q, EOMS, E, OHS, ISMS) Handling of complaints and appeals - ACI Global has established and maintains as documented information a method for handling complaints and appeals, and the results and determinations are made available to its interested parties.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Complaints Appeal Process: View
  • Impartiality Policy: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

9.1.3: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Analysis and evaluation, EOMS 9.1.4: Methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation, EOMS 9.1.5: Analysis and evaluation - ACI Global makes use of various data from course completion checklist, assessments scoring, pre and post course completion records, key processes and business review to evaluate to ensure desired outcomes and ongoing improvements for all its business activities.

ACI Global uses various methods for obtaining, monitoring, and reviewing information on performance including Hogan disciplines and Agile personal performance targets, facilitator and mentor observations beneficiary’s observations and independent third-party observations and self-assessment.

ACI Global's understanding of risk-based thinking coupled with the process approach assist in ensuring an effective process of analysis and evaluation and improvements are undertaken with conformity of learning and training products, degree of beneficiary satisfaction, and performance of external providers contract agents all reviewed.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Compliance Policy: View
  • Legal and Legislative Register: View
  • Compliance Risk Assessment: View
  • Complaints Procedure: View
  • Internal Audit Program: View
  • Quality Improvements Register: View
  • Verification and validation of Audit Outcomes by external audits: View
  • Executive Business Review: View
  • ACI Academy Hogan Leadership Profile for Learners, Facilitators and Mentors: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

9.2: Internal Audit

9.2.1: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E and OHS) General - ACI Global's strategic and risk-based process have largely set the organisations audit process covering both internal and external processes. The organisations audit process is based on Risk and a process approach to achieving outcomes and conforms to both ISO and Third-Party requirements.

It is further noted that key system policies Quality, Educational, Environmental, Occupational Health and safety and Information Security are reviewed in accordance to the audit schedule and the results including lessons learned are reported throughout the organisations including its third parties where appropriate to do so.


9.2.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Internal audit program - The organisation has a defined process and designated auditors, the Managing Director for Self-Assessments, and independent External Third-Party auditors, for audits (improvements) including an established audit program, of which its effectiveness is reviewed ongoing through regular leadership meetings and external audits. Internal audits are carried out by external auditors to verify and validate outcomes as reported within the organisations business review process.

ACI Process

Further the program includes frequency, methods, responsibilities, consultation, planning requirements with an effective process for reporting and actioning of outcomes including learners’ satisfaction, special needs issues, external sites, third party audits and results of previous audits.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Complaints Procedure: View
  • Internal Audit Program: View
  • Verification and validation of Audit Outcomes by external audits: View
  • Quality Improvements Register: View
  • Executive Business Review: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

9.3 Management Review

9.3.1: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) General - ACI Global's management review process is suitable, adequate and effective in adding value to the organisation in line both ISO and Industry requirements. The business review process is undertaken at planned intervals to ensure the continued suitability, adequacy, and alignment with the organisations strategic business planning process.


9.3.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Management review inputs - ACI Global's management review process includes inputs across the whole business to undertake a comprehensive review of all processes

Management Review Inputs - Reviewed at Business Review March 2024
Management review inputs
  1. the status of actions from previous management reviews;
  2. changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the EOMS;
  3. information on the EOMS performance and effectiveness, including trends in:
    1. learner and other beneficiary satisfaction and feedback related to learner and other beneficiary requirements;
    2. the extent to which objectives have been met;
    3. process performance and conformity of products and services;
    4. nonconformities and corrective actions;
    5. monitoring and measurement results;
    6. audit results;
    7. the performance of external providers;
    8. formative and summative assessment outcomes;
  4. the adequacy of resources;
  5. the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities (see 6.1);
  6. opportunities for continual improvement;
  7. staff feedback related to activities to enhance their competence.

The business review process looks at the whole of the business operations including the following: actions arising from previous meetings, capability of existing resource, changes in internal and external issues, Risk and possible opportunities for improvement and key performance information relating to:

  • Corporate Social Responsibilty and Sustainability (CSRS)
  • Customer satisfaction and feedback;
  • Adherence to risk avoidance and foreseeable risk;
  • Core Values and Performance of business objectives;
  • Performance of key processes;
  • Complaints, Incidents, non-conformity, and corrective actions;
  • Monitoring and measurement results;
  • Audit outcomes and;
  • Performance of facilitators and mentors

9.3.3: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) Management review outputs - The organisation review process and its outcomes are documented and aim to achieve positive and accelerating continuous improvement based on opportunities for improvement, lessons learned and simpler and more effective systems and higher capability and maturity of its workforce.

Management review outputs - Reviewed at Business Review March 2024
Management review outputs Target Outcome
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (CSRS) Annual CSRS Report All CSRS KPI's Met
Business Growth and Financial Stability Key Business Targets achieved Zero Debt to Equity Maintained, Quality not Price driven.
Continual improvement opportunities New Courses Developed Lead Auditor Aged Care and Disability Course Introduced
lessons learned. Self-assessment and Audit Programs Maintained Maintenance of ISO Certification
Need for changes to the EOMS/CBMS Changes made within Standards Guidelines and Stakeholders Needs Customer Feedback Monitored and Measured
Innovation initiatives Maintain Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) New Courses and Hogan 360 Degree Profile introduced for all Candidates.
Resource needs. Personal Facilitators and Mentors for each individual Candidate Customer and Stakeholder Satisfaction Maintained

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report: View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Internal Audit Program: View
  • Quality Improvements Register: View
  • Executive Business Review: View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

10 - Improvement


ACI Global QA Manual


10.1: General

ACI Global has an effective process for selecting opportunities for improvements, lessons learned and implementation of required actions to meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction. The process makes use of self-assessment, and review’s all opportunities for improvements, corrections, prevention, or reduction of QMS/EOMS/ISMS effects, OHS Hazards and Environmental Aspects and key processes meeting internal and external requirements.

The accelerating continuous improvement planning process considers all monitoring and measurement of resources learners and their sponsoring organisations, graduates, professionals, and systems as well as audit outcomes both internal and external, business review outcomes and accelerating continuous improvement initiatives such as:

  • improving learning products and services to ensure the requirements are not just being met, they are being exceeded as well as addressing future needs and expectations;
  • anticipating, correcting, preventing, or reducing undesired effects, hazards and or aspects; and
  • continuing to drive accelerating continuous improvement and enhanced performance of its EOMS/CBMS through correction, corrective actions, breakthrough change, innovation, and re-organisation.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Quality Improvements Register: View
  • Internal Audit Program: View
  • Executive Business Review: View
  • Self-Assessment process: View

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10.1.1: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) When a nonconformity occurs, the organisation shall - ACI Global has an effective process for addressing a nonconformity by looking at opportunities for improvements, lessons learned and implementation of required actions to meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction. The process makes use of self-assessment, and review’s all opportunities for improvements, corrections, prevention, or reduction of QMS/EOMS/ISMS effects, OHS Hazards and Environmental Aspects and key processes meeting internal and external requirements. The accelerating continuous improvement planning process considers all monitoring and measurement of resources learners and their sponsoring organisations, graduates, professionals, and systems as well as audit outcomes both internal and external, business review outcomes, innovation, and organisational change.


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Internal Audit Program: View
  • Executive Business Review: View
  • Self-Assessment process: View

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10.2: Incident, Nonconformity, corrective action, and improvement

10.2.1: When an Incident, nonconformity or corrective action occurs, including any arising from complaints, the organisation shall

ACI Global's process covers opportunities for improvement, quality issues, incidents (work related, near misses, exposure to hazards, pollution and computer equipment damage, accidents), nonconformity (protective equipment not functioning properly, failure to apply legal requirements, or prescribed documentation (processes) not being followed) along with actions to correct such as corrective actions.


10.2.2: (CBMS - Q, EOMS, ISMS, E, OHS) The organisation shall retain documented information as evidence - ACI Global retains documented evidence of the nature of all QMS/EOMS/ISMS effects, EMS Aspects, OHS Hazards and or Incidents and any subsequent actions taken. The results of corrective actions are documented and analysed for possible trends as documented within the Quality Improvements Register and ACI Global Academy (Courses-Getting Started Point 6).


ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Compliance, Incident, Near Miss Report: View
  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Internal Audit Program: View
  • Executive Business Review: View
  • Quality Improvements Register: View
  • Self-Assessment process: View

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10.3: Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI)

ACI Global has an effective process in place for continuous improvements and measures to increases operational effectiveness of its processes meeting internal and external requirements. The organisation continual improvement process aims to use self-assessment methodologies to ensure the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of its business management system, by:

  • enhancing business CMS, QMS, EOMS, EMS and OHS performance;
  • promoting a culture that supports the organisations Mission, Vision, and values;
  • promoting the participation of workers in implementing actions for the continual improvement of the sustainability of the business and its supporting management system;
  • communicating the relevant results of continual improvement, lessons learned to workers, and, where they exist, workers’ representatives;

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework: View
  • Opportunity in Optimisation: View
  • Internal Audit Program: View
  • Executive Business Review: View
  • Quality Improvements Register: View
  • Self-Assessment process: View

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