Continuous Professional Development (ACI)

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ACI Global's process of Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) - People and their Organisations

ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development Program (CPD) underpinned by ISO 10015 Quality Management and Capability and ISO Personal Certification, delivers both the Candidate and their Organisations "World Best Practice" Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) processes underpinned by Ongoing "Witnessed Activities" in driving both Ethical and Sustainable Outcomes.


ACI Global's (CPD) Program, provides Graduates with three options:

  1. Graduate: Providing Learners and their Sponsoring, Facilitating Organisation a clear pathway of Learning refer Here for a full overview.
  2. Postgraduate: Providing all Learners and their Sponsoring Organisations or a Learner with an assigned Organisation on behalf of ACI Global's clear pathway for Continuing Professional Development: and
  3. ISO Personal Certification: Providing Business Professionals a Pathway to becoming Certified as "Capable" through Verification and Validation within a chosen skill set.


ACI Global's Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) program for Organisations, underpinned by an ongoing "Witnessed Activity's" provides Organisations the following options:

  1. Business Expert(s) to drive the organisations continuous improvement program;
  2. Ongoing conformance audits to ISO Requirements in preparation for ISO Third Party Audits;
  3. Ongoing review of Business Plans about Mission, Vision, Values and Culture checking resources, systems, applications, and tools to deliver on the plans;
  4. Undertake a base line audit of the Business against the intentions of the Organisations Mission and Vision;
  5. Build a Transformation program focused on the Mission and Vision;
  6. Execute an implementation program;
  7. Implementation of a Total Quality Management "Assurance" program embedding the concepts of Plan Do Check Act (PDCA); and,
  8. Ongoing Compliance audits to ensure Legal, Legislative, Standards and Codes of Practice are maintained in accordance with Requirements.
Benefits of ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development Program
  • Candidates have the clear understanding and Confidence that all learning materials are tied and verified directly to Industry and or ISO Standards and verified through the Participating Organisation achieving conformance and or Certification by either an Industry or IAF Signatory Bodies Certification Assessment Body (CAB).
  • ISO Continuous Professional Development Verified and Validated by an independent process in line with the International Accreditation Forum’s (IAF) Signatory Bodies for example (JAS-ANZ, UKAS, or ANAB) Guidelines for auditor and professional’s personal evaluations of Personal Competence and Capability against ISO Standards provides Industry assurance of their competence;
  • All Major Certification Assessment Bodies (CAB) recognise the (IAF) "Witnessed Activity" used by ACI Global as a truly transparent and open process to Verify and validate an Auditors or Professional's Competency and capability thereby providing Industry and Organisations the ultimate confidence in their ability to add value to their Organisations Systems and Processes, ultimately Sustainability;
  • ISO Certified Professionals have full and unrestricted secure Online Portal access to the latest standards, industry updates, news, and mentoring services and in full conformance with all applicable Privacy Laws with ACI Global's 3-year CPD agreement;
  • Greater exposure to international work opportunities and financial rewards through continual competency and capability assessment and examination plus;
  • Achieve increased proficiency and demonstrate professional and personal achievements for the enhancement of the organisation’s sustainability.
Verification and Validation of Professionals Competency and Capability

ACI Global through its ISO Professional Development Program process has addressed one of the most significant issues of concern for Industry, Organisations and Accreditation Bodies around the world and that is "Auditor Competence" and "Capability".

The verification process is undertaken by appointed ISO Business Coaches "Industry experts" and triple certificated witnessed auditors to conduct a "Witnessed Activity" whilst the candidate performs an Evaluation of a System or Process. The Witnessed Activity is in accordance with the (IAF) rules of witnessed activities.

ACI Global's ISO Continuous Professional Development Program

Candidates Select a Course of Learning, commit to a 3 year Triennial Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Program and undertake a GMAT, Hogan Personal Disciples, and SWOT Analysis.

Accelerating Continuous Improvement

Candidates have Knowledge, Qualifications, Industry Experience and Client relationships verified and validated through ISO learning and or Recognition of Prior Learning and Current Competencies.

Accelerating Continuous Improvement

Capability Level 1 - (Annually) Candidates are Peer Reviewed by an Industry/ISO Standards Auditor whilst undertaking a Stage 1 (Document Review) or Gap Audit on a Known Client's Business Management Systems and its Framework.

Accelerating Continuous Improvement

Capability Level 2 - (Triennial) Candidates are Peer reviewed by an Industry/ISO Standards Auditor whilst undertaking up to 2 Surveillance Audits (Depending on Experience) on a Known Client of the Candidate.

Accelerating Continuous Improvement

Capability Level 3 - (Triennial) Candidate completes both a:

  • "Witnessed Skills Activity" (observed by an Industry/ISO Standards Auditor actively involved in a Stage 2 Certification Audits) on a Known Client of the Candidate.
  • Course in Learning "Quality of an Organisation" and upon successful completion re issued with a Diploma valid for three years.
Accelerating Continuous Improvement

Capability Level 4 - Candidate's undertake a Hogan 360 Degree SWOT Analysis and their known Organisation is Certified/Registered and issued a Certificate of Registration by an accredited Industry Association and or ISO Certification Body .

Accelerating Continuous Improvement

Capability Level 5 - Candidates are Issued a Post Graduate Certificate in recognition of both their competency and having undertaken an "Witnessed Activity" completing an Activity deemed to have assisted an Organisation to achieve Industry and or ISO Certification and Sustainable Success.


If you have any questions regarding ACI Global Professional Development Program please feel free to Contact us

