Personal Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis.

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)


The HPI evaluates people on seven well-known dimensions or characteristics that influence occupational success

Different characteristics are important for success in different jobs, and characteristics that are important in one job may interfere with performance in others. The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) evaluates people on seven well-known dimensions or characteristics that influence occupational success.

This report is based on the candidate's scores on the follwing dimensions:

  • It describes how he or she is likely to act in various circumstances;
  • It notes the candidate's strengths and shortcomings, and;
  • It makes some suggestions about how to manage your career.

Below is the HPI graph on which the report is based, and definitions for the seven dimensions.

Graphic Report

Candidates Name

Hogan SWOT

High scorers are above the 65th percentile. Average Scores are between the 35th and 65th percentile. Low scores are below the 35th percentile.

  • ADJUSTMENT: Reflects the degree to which a person is calm or moody and volatile. High scorers seem confident, resilient, and optimistic. Low scorers seem tense, irritable, and negative.
  • AMBITION: Evaluates the degree to which a person seems leaderlike and values achievement. High scorers seem competitive and hard working. Low scorers seem unassertive and less interested in advancement.
  • SOCIABILITY: Assesses the degree to which a person appears socially self-confident. High scorers seem outgoing and colourful. Low scorers seem reserved and quiet.
  • INTERPERSONAL SENSITIVITY: Reflects tact and perceptiveness. High scorers seem friendly, warm, and popular. Low scorers seem independent, frank, and direct.
  • PRUDENCE: Concerns self control and conscientiousness. High scorers seem organized, dependable, and easy to supervise. Low scorers seem spontaneous and flexible.
  • INQUISITIVE: Reflects the degree to which a person seems curious, adventurous, and imaginative. High scorers tend to be quick-witted and visionary, but easily bored. Low scorers tend to be practical, focused, and able to concentrate.
  • LEARNING APPROACH: Reflects the degree to which a person values education as an end in itself. High scorers tend to enjoy reading and studying. Low scorers are less interested in formal education and more interested in hands-on learning on the job.
Strengths on which a Manager can build


Candidates Name: tends to be confident and poised, has a positive attitude, and is generally in a good mood. He also seems:

  • steady under pressure;
  • tolerant of others' mistakes;
  • resilient, calm, and upbeat;
  • able to handle heavy workloads;
  • to express emotions appropriately.


Candidates Name: is active, hard-working, competitive, and eager to get ahead. He tends to:

  • seek leadership positions;
  • take initiative to get the job done;
  • persist in solving problems;
  • set goals for advancement;
  • be energetic and persistent.


Candidates Name: seems friendly and approachable, but not overly gregarious. He is:

  • willing to listen and let others talk;
  • doesn't feel compelled to express his point of view;
  • comfortable working alone or with others;
  • appropriately outspoken.


Candidates Name: is pleasant and tolerant but will take a stand when necessary. He:

  • cares about relationships;
  • is a good team player;
  • collaborates rather than dictates;
  • is willing to help others.


Candidates Name: is spontaneous, flexible, and comfortable with ambiguity and change. He also seems:

  • willing to solve problems in new ways;
  • spontaneous and able to change directions quickly;
  • willing to take risks and push limits;
  • untroubled by new or changing procedures.


Candidates Name: is open-minded, curious, and imaginative. He will:

  • think well on his feet;
  • understand the big picture;
  • be receptive to new ideas;
  • be a resource for problem solving;
  • be comfortable with innovation and change.


Candidates Name: is bright and generally stays up-to-date on job relevant subjects. He:

  • believes education is a tool rather than an end in itself;
  • is usually open to new ways of doing things;
  • tends to stay informed on topics that are personally interesting;
  • will not resist new technology.
Shortcomings that may challenge a Manager


Candidates Name: is unusually self-confident and may:

  • ignore or not admit mistakes;
  • not believe negative feedback;
  • be seen as arrogant;
  • overestimate his contribution.


Candidates Name: is intense, driven and may tend to compete with co-workers. Additionally, he may:

  • intimidate colleagues;
  • be overly demanding and/or pushy;
  • compete with team members;
  • be too involved in office politics.


Candidates Name: will be comfortable working alone or with others; he may also:

  • not know when to speak up and when to be quiet;
  • not make a strong first impression;
  • not communicate well.


Candidates Name: should be a likeable coworker. But one who:

  • may not convey expectations to others;
  • may be too eager to please;
  • may not enforce performance standards.


Candidates Name: tends to be independent and impulsive and may:

  • test limits;
  • not plan ahead;
  • be careless about rules and procedures;
  • be unconventional and unconforming.


Because Candidates Name: is unusually curious and imaginative and may:

  • become easily bored;
  • be seen as unpredictable and flighty;
  • ignore or downplay operational or process matters;
  • prefer to work on unique rather than practical problems.


Because Candidates Name: is bright and well-informed, he may:

  • read situations and solve problems faster than his colleagues;
  • put his priorities ahead of others;
Opportunities that you can work on with your Facilitator
Threats that might derail your Career and how to Plan ahead

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