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e-Quip Free Demo - learn how to e-Quip your Workforce and Workplace


ACI AcademyApply for a temporary password and Experience for yourself the new world of global competency based e-learning and Kick start your Career to "High Achiever" status today by becoming an ACI Global Certified Business Professional to e-quip your workforce and workplace.


To Test Drive e-Quip please Contact Us and we will provide you a temporary password for the course you are interested in and you will be able to see a full overview of your course and even speak with your Facilitator. Please provide a valid Skype Name or Telephone Number as this will be used to validate your request.


Please note you will have 8hrs to view a full course outline, undertake a number of Assessments and get an understanding of what it takes to maintain a "Quality Organisation" so as to achieve Sustained Success.

Once your allocated time has expired your temporary password will be deactivated.


Please contact us once you have completed your test drive and let us know your thoughts on your experience, as we would be delighted to discuss further your professional leadership development.

We value your Feedback please  comment on our service to you our most important asset

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