Foreseeable Risk

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What is the true meaning of Risk?

The Oxford Dictionary defines "RISK" as "a situation Involving exposure to danger"

ISO Quality Systems


    Risk Management Institute “Risk management involves understanding, analysing and addressing risk to make sure organisations achieve their objectives.

    ISO 9001:2015 suggests that risk-based thinking is intended to establish a systematic approach to considering risk, rather than treating “prevention“ as a separate component of a quality management system (QMS). The document goes on to state that risk-based thinking is something we all do automatically in everyday life.

    ISO 31000:2018 — Risk management guidelines states that the purpose of risk management is to create and protect value. In the eight principles outlined in the standard, one tenet includes how risk management anticipates, detects, acknowledges and responds to changes.

    The gamut of definitions of ‘risk’ runs from something we avoid automatically in our daily lives, to dangers that business entities observe, assess and act to maintain sustainable and profitable practices, as well as avoiding any form of litigation.

    • How do business leaders decide which definition of risk is appropriate for their organisations?
    • How do quality professionals provide guidance and tools for risk abatement in those organisations?
    • How do organisations protect themselves from potential civil litigation?

    Since the introduction of ISO 9001:2015 and all ISO Standards that have followed, the ‘quality profession’ has come to embrace ‘risk management’ as an evolution of preventative action.

    Unfortunately, the same term, “risk management” is also known as an entire industry that primarily focuses on statutory and regulatory compliance to avoid litigation, whereas the true benefits of ‘risk management’ are one of the main drivers of ‘Continuous Improvement’ and ‘Value Add’ for an organisations sustainability and "Sustained Success".

    Is Risk avoidable, foreseeable, just how surprised do you really want to be?

Risk avoidance and the power of Observational Skills
  • Risk avoidance eliminates the potential consequences of known and identified Issues, Effects, Hazards, Aspects and disruptive-incorrect practices, all of which if not identified through observation, assessment and action, would most likely lead to an Incident.
  • Observation is the engagement of any one or more of a human beings own "Consciousness" and or "Senses" - Intuition, Eyesight, Hearing, Touch, Smell, and Taste (incorporated within – temperature), underpinned by knowledge of who or what is being observed, and the environment.
  • Through effective observational skills, the proposition that the creation of defects that lead to exposure and danger is identifiable; and,
  • Therefore, through effective observational skills, it is possible to ensure risks are avoidable because, they are foreseeable.
Foreseeable Risk - an Introduction

Foreseeable risk is a systematic diagnostic method that examines the health of a business using proven tools starting with effective Observational Skills, process analysis, performance to standards, business matrixes, accelerating continuous improvement and managing system effectiveness.

Used proactively, foreseeable risk is a roadmap for organisations to achieve and maintain peak health and wellness.

Foreseeable Risk - implementation

Understanding and adopting as World Best Practice that Foreseeable Risk starts with embracing and understanding the concept that all non-conformities potential to cause an incident, are avoidable. In deed everyone within the organisation must adopt the understanding that ‘Foreseeability’ starts at the consultative phase in draughting procedures, SWMS, toolbox talks etc. using individual and the collective knowledge and experiences to help engineer an incident free worksite. Those observational skills are developed and instilled in each worker, to sub-consciously assess and act.

For an Organisation to be successful in risk avoidance, there must be a top-down change management process in thinking in the organisations Vision, Mission and Culture towards ‘Foreseeability’, if not incorporated and practiced. If not then, be prepared for the inevitable surprise! At what cost do you, as an organisation, wish to be surprised?

ACI Global's commitment to understanding its level of "Risk" is demonstrated by its Enterprise Risk Management Policy

ACI Global ensures all Auditors are trained in not just process auditing but also trained and experienced in Foreseeable Risk principles.

Adopting Foreseeable Risk into an Organisations Mission, Vision and Values

Organisations need to review their Vision, Mission and Values, with senior management "The Leadership Team" creating a management review agenda focused on risk avoidance and foreseeable risks as a key agenda item.

For an organisations Vision, Mission and Values to be beneficial, a regular review must include a mandate for risk avoidance along with the appropriate metrics and processes. A simple process needs to be mandated across the organisation to embrace.

  • OBSERVATION - exercise powers of observation for the detail;
  • ASSESSMENT - check the detail for correctness;
  • ACT - if doubt exists in compliance/correctness, say something immediately; and,
  • Monitor and Evaluate - Monitor, measure and report on progress.
ACI Process
ACI Process
Monitor and Evaluate Accelerating Continuous Improvement Assessment
ACI Process
ACI Process

For courses in Forseeable Risk Investigations and Forseeable Risk Auditing please Visit Here for a full and comprehensive overview of all courses.

