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ACI Global Pty Ltd, Trading as ACI Global

ASIC Australian Company Number (ACN): 110 019 460

ASIC Australian Business Number (ABN): 68 110 019 460

Certified to ISO 9001:2015, 4500:2018 and 14001:2015 as a Quality Educational Organisation

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Mission Statement - How do we plan to achieve our vision?

By delivering "Ethical", Quality in Education, Professional Development and Sustainability Services to lead the Further Education Industry in the provision of Specific Industry and ISO Training and Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability through adding value through assessing the capability and maturity of both the business professional and their organisations.

ACI Global will provide its customers a smarter and more cost-effective alternative to traditional Certification and Accreditation services by delivering professional leadership development and verification of competence thereby creating Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) for Business Professionals and ensuring ongoing Sustained Success for their Sponsoring Organisations.

We are further committed through the delivery of our services, the maintenance of a zero debt to equity ratio, to ensure continuity planning and ongoing support for all resources including employees, learners, mentors, stakeholders, and sponsoring organisations is upheld or preserved.

Our Motto - "Quality is Contagious, do it once do it Right"

For "Quality to be Contagious" some key outcomes need to be achieved:

  • Ethics and Leadership must be above reproach;
  • Vision and Enthusiasm be maintained;
  • Embrace "Quality" in everything we do;
  • Understanding that there are "NO Grey Areas" between RIGHT and WRONG; and,
  • The Adaption of Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI).
Vision Statement - How do we aim to achieve our Mission?

ACI Global aims to create a practical and sustainable balance in the pursuit of delivering "Ethical" Quality in Industry Education through the delivery of Professional Leadership Development for Personnel and Organisations by identifying both Employee and Organisational needs and understanding of Culture and Value by providing specific Industry, and ISO training to drive Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.

The Acceleration and Continuous improvement of People, their Culture and Values through ongoing verification of competency and Sustainability Services will enhance both employee satisfaction and economic viability for both Business Professionals and their Organisations.

Values and Culture - What we believe in and how we perform
  • Visionary Leadership;
  • Ethical conduct in education;
  • Fairness, accessibility, and equity to learners;
  • Social Responsibility;
  • Capability, Maturity through evidence-based decisions;
  • Data security and protection;
  • Transparency;
  • Professionalism;
  • Provide accelerating continuous improvement (ACI) for all learners and their organisations;
  • Digital Equity Learning Guarantee for all Learners;
  • Engagement of people;
  • Provide a caring and fun learning environment for all parties and;
  • Work with all stakeholders to achieve a common aim and goal.

ACI Global is Certified by Adaptive Certifications JAZ-ANZ accreditation #M25720721AG providing an “Independent third-party audit process" ensuring compliance to its ISO Educational Organisations Scope of Services.

The ACI Global Academy's Learning Model is based on a simple and cost-effective process to Learning and Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) to achieve Professional Development for People our most important Asset, and their Organisations based on the following "World Best Practice" Educational Principles:

  • Business Ethics: Our courses are based on World Best Practice Educational Principles "Objective, Measurement, Optimisation, Strategy, Performance and Evaluation" supported by current Industry and or International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Educational Standards ISO 21001:2018, ISO 29993:2017 Learning Services and as such we:
    1. Do not discount pricing as our Ethic is "World Best Education" should never be determined by Price;
    2. Do not build into the price of our courses any unnecessary "Third Party Certification" of course content; and,
    3. Do not provide Certificates of "Attendance" we provide a "Diploma" with a full and detailed list of Learning Outcomes in recognition of all Learning outcomes achieved.
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Capability: All participants including those with Special Needs are provided the opportunity to have both Prior Learning, Competence and Capability assessed prior to the commencement of any course through a process of Recognition of prior and existing "Needs, Knowledge, Skills and Capability" rather than being based on the organisation having provided the past educational outcomes for the candidate;
  • Transparency: A full and detailed overview of each course is provided before your purchase. Upon successful completion, trainees also receive a Diploma and full learning outcomes transcript at the completion of all courses including a three (3) year Continuous Professional Development Guarantee;
  • Primary Duty of Care" Both ACI Global and the Candidate and their "Sponsoring Organisation" commit to their "Primary Duty of Care" for the complete Professional Development Journey.
  • Process Approach: All ISO courses are not only based on Industry or ISO Standards they involve full participation of an Organisation Business Model embracing the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) approach and understanding a Business Framework of accelerating continuous improvement through optimization performance and evaluation;
  • Values: Each candidate is offered a comprehensive 3 year "Continuous Professional Development Guarantee" for all courses. We follow-up with you with our Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) Program and ensure your organisation is achieving ongoing Sustained Success;
  • Culture and Sustainability: All courses embrace Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability throughout. We embrace both the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) and ISO 26000 Social Responsibility guidelines;
  • Outcome Based: All courses, upon successful completion, the trainee is awarded a Diploma and/or Certificate of Competence and the Sponsoring Organisation a Certificate in Sustained Success. Each course is accredited against the organisations certified systems and processes, together with a Lead Appraiser or Mentor/s experience to further develop the candidate and organisational Capability, Maturity and Sustainability.
  • Our Customers are our Greatest Asset: Our Learners and their Sponsoring Organisations are rewarded with a unique incentive to drive repeat business to ACI Global.

For a full understanding of ACI Global's Capability Journey process click on the Link ACI Global's Capability Journey" and see the benefits of certified learning and Sustained Success for an Organisation".


To better understand ACI Global's Certified Learning Process click on the Link ACI Global's ISO and Industry Educational Learning Model" and see the benefits of certified learning which delivers outcomes for both the "Candidate" and their "Sponsoring Organisation".


Follow the following Link For a comprehensive range of training courses and register and commence your professional learning journey now! to become a "High Achiever" and ensure your "Sponsoring Organisation" achieves Sustainability and Sustained Success.



ACI Capability

The objective of ACI Global's Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) Support Services for both Organisations and Employees Worldwide, is to foster and develop:

  • Accelerating Continuous Improvement: Continuous Professional Development (CDP) embracing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Organisational Sustained Success.
  • High Achievers: Providing ongoing professional development for Employees to continue to be High Achievers to enable organisations to maintain Sustained Success.

The ACI process ensures both the Organisation, and their employees undertake the required ongoing CPD, in line with ISO and Industry Standards over the Lifecycle of both the Organisations ISO Continuous Professional Development Program and their employees Continuous Professional Development in the following areas.

  • Recognition of Prior Learning and Accelerating Continuous Improvement;
  • Professional Services;
  • Consulting Services;
  • Scholarships;
  • Sponsoring Organisation;
  • Facilitating Organisation; and,
  • ISO Lifetime Learning.

Follow the following link To view a full range of Professional Services and Contact us For ACI Global to assist your Organisation in its drive for "Sustainability and Sustained Success"


Corporate Governance, Risk and Compliance

ACI Capability

ACI Global established in 2004 is a well-established Australian Securities and Investments Commission "ASIC" Registered Company working within the adult education industry providing learning and personal certification outcomes. From its inception the organisation has and continues to identify potential issues both Internal and External relevant to its operations and its ability to achieve intended outcomes in line with its Strategic Business Goals.

For ACI Global it is critical its Governance framework is integrated with both its Risk and Compliance systems which are outlined in ACI Global's Compliance Business Management System.


For ACI Global Good Governance has four key components:

  • Transparency: clearly defining the organisation’s structure, operations, and performance – internally and externally – and undertaking ongoing robust dialogue with its stakeholders.
  • Accountability: ensuring informed decision-making within the organisation, by implementing processes that provide the right people with the right authority to make effective and decisive decisions.
  • Stewardship: establishing an enterprise-wide view that the organisation is managed for the benefit of its shareholders/learners, while taking account of the interests of other relevant stakeholders.
  • Integrity: fostering a culture committed to ethical behaviour and regulatory compliance.

To access ACI Global's Compliance Business Management System (CBMS) click on the link CBMS Online Manual and if you would like us to set up a CBMS System for your organisation please Contact us for a no obligation proposal.


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