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ISO Materials Handling Equipment Operator Training

ISO Materials Handling Courses

Course Overview

This course is designed Primarily for Organisations who Have in Place a current ISO Quality Management System, as it is based around the International Standard ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems, with the Key Focus area being upon Clause 7 “Support” and its underlying Sub-Clauses which outline the requirements of any Quality Management System in use within an organisation, with specific direction given to:

  • 7.1 Resources
  • 7.1.2 People
  • 7.1.3 Infrastructure
  • 7.1.4 Environment for the Operation of Processes
  • 7.1.6 Organisational Knowledge
  • 7.2 Competence
  • 7.3 Awareness
  • 7.4 Communication
  • 7.5 Documented Information
  • 7.5.1 General Documented Information
  • 7.5.2 Creating&Updating
  • 7.5.3 Control Of Documented Information
  • Documented Information required by the Quality Management System shall be controlled to Ensure:
    • Its Available&Suitable for use, where&When Required
    • Is adequately protected against Loss of Integrity, improper use or Loss of Confidentiality
  • For the Control Of Documented Information the organisation shall address the following Activities as applicable:
    • Distribution, Access, Retrieval&Use
    • Storage&Preservation
    • Control of Changes
    • Retention&Disposition

These Clauses&Sub-Clauses represent, not only the Key principals for ensuring that Personnel/Course Candidates are trained to the Highest International Standard for the Training of Personnel within an organisation, but it represents Best Practice and a mechanism to ensure the continual improvement regarding the skills, knowledge&Competence of Personnel, and the safe&efficient operation of Materials Handling Equipment and conducting of Load Shifting Tasks. The course itself, can also be specifically tailored to suit any organisational or industry specific requirements.

Course Content

The content of the Course is broken down into two categories, Underpinning Knowledge&Machine Operation with each Category having its own Key Learning Objectives.

Underpinning Knowledge establishes for course participants the critical knowledge required to become Safe&Efficient Materials Handling Equipment Operators, With the Machine Operation Category Focusing on Course Participants Learning How to safely operate the Machine by assisting to develop their Skills and Proficiency through Practical/Hands on Machine Operation and Load Shifting Training.

Underpinning Knowledge Covers such things as:

  • Planning Work/Load Shifting Tasks
  • Identifying Hazards, Determining Risk&Implementing Control Measures
  • Establishing Knowledge of correct procedures concerning the documenting of Hazards, Accidents/Incidents and Detected Damage on Machines, and the process for reporting/communicating this to appropriate or authorised personnel.
  • How to Minimise the Risk of Personnel Injury when operating the Materials Handling Equipment, inclusive of Manual Handling Injuries to operators.
  • Effective Communication and its role when Operating Materials Handling Equipment
  • Establishing Knowledge of Machine Components and Controls
  • Establishing&Developing Knowledge of Load Shifting Terminology&Key Requirements for conducting Safe Load Shifting Tasks
  • How to Effectively Conduct Routine Equipment Checks, Determine Faults&Damage and Recording&Reporting Processes for faults&Damage
  • Establishing&developing an understanding of correct operating procedure&safe work practices/standard operating procedures.

Machine Operation&Load Shifting Covers Such Things As:

  • Establishing Familiarisation with Machine Components to Facilitate the Conducting of Effective&Efficient Routine Machine Checks&Fault Reporting
  • Employing the Safe Operating Techniques Established as part of the Underpinning Knowledge taught During the Online Learning Component providing Course Candidates with the opportunity to Familiarise themselves with the operating characteristics of the machine and practice the use of Safe&Efficient machine Manoeuvers.
  • The Development of Safe&Efficient Load Shifting Techniques allowing candidates to progress into Lifting&Shifting Loads and utilising the Machines to their full operational potential in a “live” Environment.
  • Further Developing the Candidates understanding of Correct Power Source Maintenance&Management to ensure maximum operating life and overall life of the Power Source utilised for the operation of the Materials Handling Equipment.
Delivery Methods

The course is delivered via two separate methods, Online&Onsite/Face to Face. The Key Benefits in the offering of Both Online Learning&Face to Face/Hands on Training is that candidates are able to develop the Underpinning Knowledge at their own pace, and allows for more flexibility when catering to diverse levels of Candidate Experience&Operational Backgrounds.

It also provides greater levels of efficiency when delivering the Hands On/Face to Face Component as candidates are not required to undergo any additional Theory Assessments, which allows for greater delivery flexibility and less time Onsite for Trainers and less time away from Normal Work Tasks/Duties for participating Candidates.

Online supported Learning, Is delivered via our Secure Online Learning Platform, where candidates are supported by online tutorials and with direct access to their course facilitator through both the Online Learning platform&email contact throughout the duration of their training.

Onsite/Face to Face, is delivered in person by our course facilitator, providing the candidate with the practical/performance based training on the machine in a live operating environment required to develop the skills for Safe&Efficient Machine Operation.

The Online Supported Learning is required to be completed prior to the Onsite/Face to Face training is undertaken, as this assists in establishing the underpinning Safety Knowledge in Course Candidates prior to undergoing Performance based training.

Assessment Process: Candidates will be assessed against Pre-Determined Key Learning Outcomes, which make up both of the Two Learning Categories; Underpinning Knowledge&Machine Operation.

The assessment process for each category will focus upon content learnt&skills developed through-out each Key Learning Objective, which will be assessed through both the Online Learning&Onsite/Face to Face Delivery Methods.

Candidates will be assessed at the end of each Key Learning Objective, with completion of the assessment module required prior to moving onto the next Key Learning Objective or Category.

Online Key Learning Outcomes will be assessed via a series of multiple choice (selecting the correct/most correct response) short answer (in the candidates own words) and interactive questions&activities.

Candidates will be given direct feedback from their assessor as to their chosen responses to each question, this personalised tuition via the online learning platform allows each candidate to receive as much assistance as is required for them to fully develop an in depth understanding of the required content, not only at their own pace, but explained to them in a manner they find easy to understand and in an environment where there is no pressure from peers/other personnel to progress or for them to feel uneasy in asking questions concerning content they may not understand.

For the Face to Face/Onsite Delivery for the Machine Operation or Performance based training, Candidates will be required to demonstrate the skills learned across both categories (Underpinning Knowledge&Machine Operation) in a Competency Based assessment process requiring the Candidates to:

  • Plan out anassigned work task
  • Conduct Hazard&Risk Assessments
  • Demonstrate correct procedures for Communication of Hazards&Documents used for Reporting
  • Conduct Routine Checks on the Materials Handling Equipment Being Used
  • Demonstrate correct procedures for Communication of Faults or Damage&Documents used for Reporting
  • Safely&Efficiently Operating the Machine to undertake&complete a series of Load Shifting Tasks
  • Display Correct Power Source Management&Maintenance Techniques and ensure Machines are then secured correctly following the use.

One of the Additional benefits of this style of delivery is that for Organisations who have multiple sites or proposed Delivery Locations is that the Online Learning can Take Place any time prior to the Face to Face delivery which allows for greater planning of Onsite/Face to Face Delivery and scheduling of Training Delivery Across Multiple sites/locations if required or plan them to coincide with organisational requirements, Rosters, Personnel Shift Changes, Annual Audit or Internal Training Schedules&if applicable Geographical Locations.

Upon Successful Completion of the Course Candidates receive Personal Certification to a Recognised International Standard for the Training, Development&Competence of Personnel which is recognised internationally not only as the benchmark standard in Quality Assurance, but also in that of Risk Management&Safety. Candidates additionally receive Personnel Certification cards which can be kept on their person for Operator Identification when undertaking work tasks.

Candidates Certification is Valid for a period of 3 Years, after which time a Verification of Competency is required in the Form of Refresher Training Through the online Platform, where Underpinning knowledge&a series of simulated skill scenarios are utilised to verify the candidates continued competence as a Materials Handling Equipment Operator along with an Onsite Face to face Re-certification Assessment.

Additional Customisation of courses can be easily achieved, including the addition of organisational or industry specific content&assessment processes if required, enabling the delivery of the most relevant&reliable information to course participants according to the organisation or industry sector or skill background they belong to.

Reporting Mechanisms

Upon commencement of training delivery, course participant`s personal details are entered into an organisation specific database, which is utilised to record the details of all personnel from an organisation who have undertaken the training, inclusive of dates times&Locations.

Where this additional mechanism can be applied for greater use is when an organisation (parent organisation) has multiple operators requiring training under or across several different brands or subsidiary companies, the database can be configured to reflect the overall training program with segregation and monitoring for subsidiary companies or brands.

This can be used to monitor personnel who switch between brands and subsidiary companies and additionally compare performance and assessment results along with monitoring the progress of enrolled candidates throughout the online learning stages assisting in the planning of onsite/face to face training delivery schedules.

Final Summary Reports upon the completion of candidates training in full are then generated, reflecting a personal summary of the candidates training&certification process and provide an overview for continual improvement opportunities for each candidate.

The Process of Managing Quality Output&Risk within an organisation can be made more efficient through effective training and development to ensure the highest levels of Awareness&Personnel Competency. The Integration of Industry Best Practice&Internationally Recognised Standards allows our training&personal certification programs to assist in achieving Continual Improvements which can be monitored&measured.

If you have any questions regarding any of our training programs in Materials Handling or Quality Management Systems for Transport Operators please feel free to Contact us

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