EOMS - Learning Services outside formal education - Service requirements
ISO 29993:2017 - Online Manual

ACI Global Pty Ltd Trading as ACI Global

ASIC Australian Company Number (ACN): 110 019 460

ASIC Australian Business Number (ABN): 68 110 019 460

Internationally ISO Certified to ISO 9001:2015, 45001:2018 and 14001:2015

Complies with ISO 21001:2018, ISO 37301:2021, ISO 29993:2017, ISO 17021, ISO 17024:2012 and ISO 17065:2012

In guidance with ISO 26000:2010, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 44001:2017, ISO 31000:2018 and ISO 22301:2019

This Manual is reviewed as required in line with both ACI Global's Key Strategic Objectives and Goals and the intent of all applicable ISO Standards during the organisations regular Business Review Activities.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Scope
  3. Terms and definitions
  4. General information provided by ACI Global
  5. Proposla development
  6. Information provided prior to acquisition of the learning services
  7. Needs analysis
  8. Design of the learning services
  9. Information about the learning service for enrolled learners or their sponsors
  10. Service delivery
  11. Facilitators and mentors
  12. Monitoring and evaluation of the learning services
  13. Improvement
  14. Invoicing
  15. Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

1 - Introduction

This manual is intended to provide a generic frame work of reference for ACI Global in delivering quality learning services outside formal education by specifying its various elements and delivery through its Academy's Learning and Personal Certification services.

The structure of this manual reflects a typical sequence of experiences of learners and sponsors in a prototypical learning service, including advertising, information provided prior to acquisition of the service, needs analysis, design, assessment and evaluation and personal certification.

ACI Global has structured the planning and delivery of its learning and personal certification service in accordance to its context refer to ISO 21001:2018 EOMS/IBMS Manual. ACI Global has in collaboration with this manual implemented a management system designed to ensure consistent delivery of service. We are further committed through the delivery of our services, the maintenance of a zero debt to equity ratio, to ensure continuity planning and ongoing support for all resources including employees, learners, mentors, stakeholders and sponsoring organisations is upheld or preserved.

2 - Scope

This manual specifies requirements for ACI Global's learning services outside formal education, including all types of life-long learning (e.g. vocational training and in-company training, either outsourced or in-house). These services include:

  • to learners including special needs themselves;
  • to sponsors who are acquiring the services on behalf of the learners
  • online or face to face, or a blend of both.

The key features of these kinds of services are that the goals of learning are defined and the services are evaluated, and that they involve interaction with the both the learner and their sponsor or sponsoring organisation.

3 - Terms and definitions

3.0: Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI)

Accelerating continuous improvement (ACI) of an Individual or Organisations competence and capability through a World Best Practice improvement pathway from an ad hoc, immature process to a disciplined, mature process with improved quality and effectiveness based on ISO 9004:2018 in further driving employee excellence and organisational Performance and Sustainability.

3.1: Academy

ACI Global uses the e-quip platform under license to Digital Learning Solutions (DLS) to empower organisations and their employees including ACI Global and its Academy with superior e-learning technology tailored to their specific needs and those of their Learners.

3.2: Assessment

Gathering of data to determine the learning (3.13) and learning outcomes (3.14) of an individual learner (3.12) including special needs learner (3.23) or group of learners

3.3: Blended learning

Combination of different modes of learning (3.13), Note 1 to entry:- Modes of learning include face-to-face learning, IT-supported learning, among others. (SOURCE: ISO 29991:2014, 2.4, modified).

3.4: Competence

Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results.

3.5: Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

A three year program of continuous improvement for a learner (graduate, Post Graduate or Bussiness Professional) so as to ensure the correct level of Capability and Maturity is maintained through ongoing monitoring and validaion through "Witnessed Activities" note 3.27.

3.6: Curriculum

Plan of study prepared by the learning service provider (3.14) which describes the aims, content, learning resources (3.15), and learning (3.13) outcomes

3.7: Evaluation

Systematic gathering of information, including the results of assessment (3.2) and monitoring (3.18), in order to make decisions about possible adjustments to the learning service (3.14).

3.8: Facilitator

Person who works with learners (3.8) to assist them with learning (3.13). Note 1 to entry - A facilitator (3.6) is also often referred to as a teacher, a trainer, a coach, a tutor or a mentor. (SOURCE: ISO 29990:2010, 2.8).

3.9: Facilitating Organisation

An ISO certified registered company, and/or a registered business entity, subject to the Corporations Act 2001 or similar legislative provisions outside Australia, is prepared to accept a Candidate of ACI Global educational network, and avail its records and resources to the Candidate for the purposes of further development, overseen by an ACI Global mentor.

3.10: Graduate/Cadetship

Industry-specific training, professional development, and networking opportunities as you consolidate the theory you’ve learned and put it into practice in a real employment situation. Note 1 to entry - ACI Global as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility commitment offers a set number of Graduate/Cadetships to Organisations on an annual basis.

3.11: Interested party

Individual, group or organization with a direct or indirect interest in the learning service (3.18), including its management and outcomes, or the processes involved, or both (SOURCE: ISO 29990:2010, 2.9).

3.12: ISO Personal Certification Card

ACI Global issues candidates an ISO Personal Certification Card at the successful completion of a "Witnessed Actity" refer to 3.27 below.

3.13: Learner

Person engaged in learning (3.13).(SOURCE: ISO 29990:2010, 2.11).

3.14: learning

Acquiring knowledge, behaviour, skills, values, preferences or understanding (SOURCE: ISO 29990:2010, 2.12).

3.15: Learning Outcome

Achieving an outcome that satisfies the requiremnt and needs of the Learner including those of Special Needs (3.21) along with the sponsoring organisation (3.23).

3.16: Learning environment

Classrooms, multimedia rooms and other physical or virtual spaces used for learning (3.14).

3.17: Learning management system (LMS)

ACI Gloabl's Academy powered by e-Quip has a fully developed learning management system (LMS) to enamble a seamless learning and assessment process for all learners.

3.18: Learning resource

Material, environment, human resource, information or other asset that can be drawn on by ACI Global (3.15) in order to facilitate learning (3.14) effectively.

3.19: Learning service

Sequence of activities designed to enable learning (3.13). (SOURCE: ISO 29990:2010, 2.13, modified).

3.19: Learning service provider (LSP)

Organisation for example ACI Global) or individual providing learning services (3.18) outside formal education, including any associates involved in the provision of the learning service. (SOURCE: ISO 29990:2010, 2.14, modified).

3.20: Monitoring

Continuous examination of progress achieved during the implementation of the learning service (3.18) to track conformity with the plan and to take necessary decisions to improve performance.

3.21: Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

The recognition of a learners including special needs learners prior knowledge and competence prior to commencement of learning services.

Organisation or individual that acquires learning services (3.18) on behalf of learners (3.12), that provides financial or other support for them, or that has a vested interest in the outcome of the learning (3.12). Note 1 to entry: Sponsors include corporations, government agencies and individuals. (SOURCE: ISO 29990:2010, 2.17, modified).

3.23: Special Needs Learner

An individual that has specified specific needs that an ISO Certified Educational Organisation for ecample ACI Global will need to provide additional measures so as to ensure the learning service (3.18) is delivered in such a manner so as to enable the desired outcome.

3.24: Special Needs Sponsor

Specialist organisation and or individual with expertise in the specific needs of an individual with special needs (3.23).

3.25: SWOT Analysis

An analysis of a Learners Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities for Improvement and Threats.

3.27: Witnessed Activity

A Witnessed Activity is an event used to verify and validate a learners "Competency and Capability", conducted in line with the International Accreditation Forum’s (IAF) Signatory Bodies for example (JAS-ANZ, UKAS, DAkks or ANAB) Guidelines for auditor and professionals personal evaluations.

4 - General Information provided by ACI Global

ACI Global Learning Services Manual

4.1 Prior to enrolment.


ACI Global provides learners and interested parties the following information so that they are able to make a balanced and informed decision of the eligibility of ACI Global to provide the required Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) professional development and ongoing capability needs of Business Professionals and their Organisations Sustainability on and ongoing basis:

  • Organisational Mission Vision, Ethics, Values and Culture;
  • Organisational Context;
  • Capability of its Leadership Team;
  • Organisations Roles and Responsibilities;
  • Strategic planning process;
  • Support Process;
  • Operational Processes;
  • Performance evaluation processes and;
  • Accelerating continuous Improvement Processes.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Educational Organisations Management System ISO 21001:2018 View

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4.2 Information provided.

With ACI Global's on line EOMS/IBMS Manual ACI Global has made accessible, up-to-date, open and transparent, accurate and legible information including the following key performance details of:

  • Name, address of headquarters, contact details, and locations where the learning services are provided;
  • Key memebrs of the Leadership team and staff;
  • Description of the main learning services offered by ACI Global;
  • Qualification or experience of facilitators in charge of the learning service, or both;
  • Teaching methods;
  • Description of learning environment and learning resources;
  • Certifications, awards, qualification and accreditation offered.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Registered Office View
  • Leadership Team View
  • Description of Services offered View
  • Educational Organisations Management System ISO 21001:2018 View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5 - Proposal development of the Learning Services

ACI Global QA Manual

5.1 When a Proposal is provided.

ACI Global provides learners and interested parties a comprehensive overview of all courses or programs including price, terms of payement and course duration so as they are able to make a balanced and informed decision of the eligibility of ACI Global to provide the required Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) professional development and ongoing capability needs of Business Professionals and their Organisations on and ongoing basis through the Registration Process.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Details of ACI Global's - ISO Integrated Business Management Systems and CSR Lead Auditor View
  • ISO Learning Process View
  • Registration Process View
  • Enrolment Process View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

5.2 Prior to a Proposal being developed.

ACI Global has well establsied processes to ensure an effictive process or proceses are in place to ensure appropriate steps to understand the learning request, its context and any logistical factors. These processes include the following:

  • The objectives and targets of the proposed learning services;
  • The capacity of the ACI Global to address the client’s needs (e.g. client references, technical characteristics, standards referenced, facilitators profile, example of similar programs);
  • The teaching and assessment methods to be used by ACI Global in delivering the learning service, and;
  • The price, terms and conditions of each course or program.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process.

  • Details of ACI Global's - ISO Integrated Business Management Systems and CSR Lead Auditor View
  • ISO Learning Process View
  • Registration Process View
  • Enrolment Process View

<----------Return to Table of Contents---------->

6 - Information provided prior to acquisition of the learning service

ACI Global provides learners and interested parties prior to agreeing to the acquistion of the learning service the following information so that they are able to make a balanced and informed decision of the eligibility of ACI Global to provide the required Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) professional development and ongoing capability needs of Business Professionals and their Organisations on and ongoing basis:

  • The title and objectives of the learning service;
  • Any prerequisites, technical or otherwise, such as a required level of competence;
  • Dates, location, duration and timetable;
  • The proposed number of hours of instruction and how these are divided between different modes of learning (e.g. on line, face-to-face learning, blended learning, IT-supported learning);
  • The teaching methods and the means of assessment to be used;
  • Required software licenses and technical equipment;
  • Tuition fees, examination fees, the purchase of learning materials (e.g. books, software, worksheets), any other charges and terms and conditions of payment;
  • Cancellation, withdrawal and refund policies;
  • The procedures used for obtaining feedback about the satisfaction of learners (and, where applicable, of their sponsors), as well as for handling their requests, suggestions and complaints;
  • The profile of the facilitators assigned to the learning service, such as their teaching qualifications, teaching experience and background.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Details of ACI Global's - ISO Integrated Business Management Systems and CSR Lead Auditor View
  • Leadership Team View
  • Enrolment Process View
  • Registration Process View

7 - Needs analysis

7.1 Understanding the needs of Learners

ACI Global understands and has clearly outlined on its website within each course displayed that the needs of learners is a key factor in the learning service provided through its courses or programs and ensures that the objectives, program, content and assessment methods meet those needs.

7.2 Prior to delivering Learning Services

ACI Global ensures the learning needs are analysed by qualified staff in order to orientate learning services effectively within the specified scope of the learning service.

7.3 The intended outcomes of the learning services shall:

ACI Global's Learning outcomes are all derived from set performance criteria, key Evidence guides along with minimum deliverables in accordance with the following:

  • Be detailed, measureable and understandable to the learner (and, if applicable, to the sponsors);
  • Refer to a widely-known national or international scale, if available such as ISO and Industry Standards and Applicable Legislative and Statutory Laws and Acts.
7.4 ACI Global's needs analysis determine the following:
  • The goals and requirements of learners and sponsors;
  • The desired level of competence and the preferred time frame;
  • The purposes for which, and contexts in which, the learner requires the desired level of competence after the completion of the course (e.g. socially, in the domain of work or study);
  • The learner’s current level of competence, ACI Global makes use of RPL such as self-assessment, internal or third party tests for this purpose;
  • Other aspects of the learner’s background and situation (e.g. special needs, age, relevant education and training history, prior learning, professional experience, language, culture, literacy level, cognitive and physical abilities).
7.5 Work related training.

In the context of work-related training, ACI Global consults its interested parties on how the competences acquired are expected to be applied in the workplace and what they consider possible indicators of success.

7.6 The results of the needs analysis

ACI Global ensures that the results of the needs analysis are disclosed and agreed upon between the interested parties before the design and delivery of the learning service is provided.

7.7 Facilitators Informed

ACI Global ensures all facilitors and or mentors are fully informed about the results of the needs analysis, through past experience ongoiing professional development and communications with the course administrator.

7.8 Information gathered about learners

Information gathered within the ACI Global Academy process is only used for the purpose of providing the learning service. Information shall only be disclosed with the learner’s consent, signed of by the candidate.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Details of ACI Global's - ISO Integrated Business Management Systems and CSR Lead Auditor View
  • Registration Process View
  • Enrolment Process View
8 - Design of the learning service
8.1 Following the needs analysis

ACI Global understand that the needs of learners is a key factor in the learning service provided through its courses or programs and ensures that the objectives, program, content and assessment methods meet those needs.

8.2 Curriculum design and development

ACI Global ensures the learning needs are analysed by qualified staff in order to orientate learning services effectively within the specified scope of the learning service.

8.3: Design of the Learning Service

In the design of the learning service, ACI Global takes the following into account:

  • The results of the needs analysis (see 7.4);
  • The agreed-upon goals (see 7.6);
  • The proposed intensity and duration of the course, and the modes of learning (e.g. face-to-face learning, blended learning, IT-supported learning);
  • The intended learning outcomes;
  • The intended means of assessment (see 12.1);
  • The ratio of facilitators to learners;
  • The methods, resources, and responsibilities to optimize the transfer of learning, if applicable;
  • The type and content of a certificate of completion to be issued;
  • Any relevant contractual elements;
  • The intended procedure of monitoring and evaluation (see 13.2).

ACI Global Learning materials are:

  • In line with the designed curriculum and with the selected modes of learning;
  • Authentic and up-to-date reflecting current application of the subject being learned, outside the course;
  • Selected taking into account social and cultural needs, as well as the background of the learners.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Curriculum Design Policy View
8.5 Curriculum, learning resources, the means of assessment and evaluation

ACI Global ensure the curriculum, learning resources, the means of assessment and evaluation are disclosed to learners or the interested parties, and to facilitators prior to commence of their course or program through the ACI Acadmy.

8.6 Roles and responsibilities of the LSP, learners and the interested parties relating to the delivery of the learning service

Through the ACI Global Academy Roles and Responsibilities, the learners and the interested parties relating to the delivery of the learning service and to the monitoring and assessment of learning is clearly specified.

8.7 The curriculum, learning and assessment materials are reviewed

ACI Global reveiws on an regular basis (minimum 12 monthly intervals) all course and program curriculums and learning and assessment materials.

8.8 The design shall take into account the results of evaluations of any prior similar learning services

ACI Global uses course or program cloning to ensure the results of evaluations of any prior similar learning services delivered by ACI Global are captured.

8.9 Sources and copy rights of learning resources

Sources and copy rights of learning resources used or developed by ACI Global within the ACI Academy such as ISO Standards are cited or acknowledged.

9 - Information about the learning service for enrolled learners or their sponsors

ACI Global ensures that commencing with, or prior to delivery of the learning service, learners (or, where applicable, their sponsors) shall be informed in writing of the details, terms and conditions of the learning service, as specified in Clause 4. above. Additional information is provided covering the following:

  • The responsibilities of each party (e.g. the learners, LSPs, facilitators);
  • The processes and schedule for assessing learning;
  • ACI Global's designated contact person(s);
  • ACI Global's procedures for complaints, suggestions and dispute resolution; and
  • Support for learning, such as access to the Academy library, help within the e-Quip Portal, help desk, counselling services, dictionaries, reference books and mentoring.
  • Joint commitment between the Learner and ACI Global to undertake Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) throughout the course and beyond.

Once the Learner has completed their Registration by providing full identification to verify their identity, selected and paid for their course or program they are enrolled into the secure ACI Academy. The ACI Academy makes use of the e-Quip platform and upon enrolment a separate email is sent to the Learner advising them that they have been enrolled in their course or program and the contact details of their assigned facilitator along with instructions on how to get started on their professional development journey.

10 - Service delivery

10.1 Staff engaged in the delivery of ACI Global Learning Services.
10.1.1 Facilitators are trained competent and capable

The learning services provided by ACI Global are delivered by facilitators who are qualified and trained in delivering the learning service in question and are trained in the both use of the methods and materials as well as applying the knowledge gained by the learners.

10.1.2 Auxiliary staff

All auxiliary staff engaged by ACI Global are fully training and deemed competent and capable prior to fullfilling any role equired with the ACI Global Academy either as facilitators or mentors.

10.1.3 Replacement facilitators or mentors

Within the ACI Global Academy the role of assigning skilled, competent and capable facilitators is the responsibility of the course administrator, the ACI Global Managing Director.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Details of ACI Global's - Experienced, Skilled and Capable Facilitators View
  • Details of ACI Global's - ISO Integrated Business Management Systems and CSR Lead Auditor View
  • Details of ACI Global's - ISO International facilitators Program View
10.2 ACI Global Learning and Personal Development resouces available within the Academy.
10.2.1 - Resources available to Learners

ACI Global Academy contains a comprehensive range of learning materials for each specific course or program along with a on-line course Library for support materials such as standards, industry guidelines and guidance material.

10.2.2 - Reproduction, copying and plagiarism

All learners before commencing their course or program must accept ACI Global's Terms of Agreement covering such things as Reproduction, copying and plagiarism both before enrolment and prior to commencing their course or program.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Terms and Conditions View
10.3 Learning environment.
10.3.1 ACI Academy

The ACI Academy is based with the secure e-Quip Portal, providing Learners and their Sponsoring Organisations the following:

  1. Individualised Training - e-Quip enables you to assess a learner’s prior knowledge of a product or system. The system will then create customised training content around their knowledge gaps, increasing their speed to competence.
  2. Individualised Tracking and Support - e-Quip has been designed with critical intervention points, allowing you to proactively manage each training course. The system will notify both the learner and their supervisor when they start to fall behind the targeted time frames.
  3. Measurable Results – Demonstrable ROI - Determining the ROI is made easy by measuring the exact percentage of knowledge gained by each individual learner.
  4. Simplicity – Easy to use for all participants - e-Quip has been built based on the look and feel of the Microsoft suite of products, providing a familiar interface for most users.
  5. Rapid Course Development - With e-Quip you don’t need any programing skills to build online training courses. We have designed it so that trainers can drag and drop existing training material from its native format straight into the system.
  6. Total Transparency - With a single click you can instantly view reports on the entire training history and results of each learner.
10.3.2 Face to face training

ACI Global has little exposure to face to face training, but will appoint a designated partner if the need arises.

10.3.3 Safety

The necessary safety facilities and equipment shall be put in place and maintained, and potential safety hazards in the learning environment shall be minimized. Procedures for dealing with emergencies and security issues shall be made known to facilitators, to other staff and to learners.

11 - Facilitators and Mentors

ACI Global has determined the knowledge necessary for the operation of all its processes so as to achieve conformity of its services in conformance to requirements. The organisation uses both internal sources such as intellectual property, experienced facilitators and mentors ongoing lessons learned from both successful and failed learning and training programs and external sources such as standards and industry bodies. There is a clearly defined skills register maintained with verification of competency performed in line with the organisations resource and continuous and continuity plans in line with guidance from ongoing involvement with Industry bodies.

11.1 Facilitators shall be either:
  • experienced and have qualifications/training in teaching that are/is recognized within the country where the LSP offers its services; or
  • supervised by experienced facilitators with qualifications/training.

ACI Global's Professional qualifications can be recognized by, for example, a governmental authority, an industry-created self-regulatory body, or an accredited university or college. In the absence of such recognition bodies, professional qualification can be deemed acceptable by those LSPs in the country providing courses in the relevant subject areas.

11.2 All facilitators shall have the necessary competences

in the relevant subject or skill areas to undertake the teaching and related duties assigned to them.

11.3 Facilitators

shall participate in professional development. NOTE Professional development can include:

  • learning and teaching principles, sound practice and latest research in learning and teaching methods relevant to the curriculum;
  • teaching competences, resources relevant to the curriculum, including instructional and informational technologies;
  • competence in using learning resources relevant to the learning services;
  • practical experience in subject matter;
  • competence in classroom management;
  • Assessment for the subject being learned.
11.4 Professional development

ACI Global has a comprehensive personal performance and development program for all learners. These shall take into account (but not be limited to) assigned tasks and responsibilities, the results of the evaluation of the learning service and the facilitators’ own views about their professional development needs.

12 - Assessment of learning

12.1 Assessment Design

In designing or selecting assessments, ACI Global ensures the following aspects are considered:

  • intended use of the assessment;
  • knowledge, skills and abilities to be measured;
  • standards to be measured against;
  • methods of assessment;
  • scoring and reporting;
  • interested parties involved in or affected by the assessment.
12.2 Recognition of prior learning

Prior to, or at the beginning of the course, an assessment shall be made of the learner’s level of competence in the subject to be learned. NOTE For the assessment of the learner’s level of competence, see 7.4, bullet d).

12.3 Learners progress

The progress of learners shall be assessed throughout and at the end of the course.NOTE For examples of the assessment, see 7.4, bullet d).

12.4 Certificate or Diploma upon completion

Learners or their sponsors shall, upon request, receive a certificate of completion, which shall include (but not be limited to) the following information:

  • title and objectives of the learning service;
  • number of hours of instruction;
  • level of achievement.
12.5 Accessment scoring outcomes

Access to assessment results shall be given only to those with established authority or legitimate consent to view the information with regard for principles of fairness, transparency and confidentiality.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Privacy Policy - Personal Data Policy View

13 - Monitoring and evaluation of learning services

13.1 Regular monitoring and evaluation shall be carried out in order to determine whether the learning service is meeting its objectives

ACI Global makes use of various data from course completion checklist, assessments scoring, pre and post course completion records, key processes and business review to evaluate to ensure desired outcomes and ongoing improvements for all its business activities.Regular monitoring and evaluation shall be carried out in order to determine whether the learning service is meeting its objectives.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework View
  • Internal Audit Program View
  • ACI Global Business Review Template View
  • Self Assessment process View
13.2 In designing the processes for monitoring and evaluation, the following aspects shall be considered:
  • scope;
  • goals;
  • means of monitoring and evaluation, including rationale, criteria, instruments and schedule;
  • interested parties involved in or affected by monitoring and evaluation.

ACI Global uses various methods for obtaining, monitoring and reviewing information on performance including Hogan disciplines and Agile personal performance targets, facilitator and mentor observations beneficiaries observations and independent third party observations and self assessment.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework View
  • Internal Audit Program View
  • ACI Global Business Review Template View
  • Self Assessment process View
13.3 Service evaluation shall include (but not be limited to) the following:
  • Fulfilment of learning needs;
  • learning and teaching methods;
  • adequacy of learning material and other resources;
  • logistics and organisation of the learning service.

ACI Global's understanding of risk-based thinking coupled with the process approach assist in ensuring an effective process of analysis and evaluation and improvements are undertaken with conformity of learning and training products, degree of beneficiary satisfaction, and performance of external providers contract agents all reviewed.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework View
  • Internal Audit Program View
  • ACI Global Business Review Template View
  • Self Assessment process View
13.4 Procedures for monitoring and evaluation shall include:
  • Periodic observation of teaching and learning for quality assurance purposes;
  • Review of assessment results and the alignment of these results with the agreed-upon goals of the learning service, as developed in the needs analysis. For this purpose, assessment of learning shall allow the compilation, comparison and analysis of assessment results; NOTE For the assessment of learning, see 12.3 and 12.4.
  • Analysis of the level of satisfaction of learners and sponsors with the learning service, as well as their feedback and suggestions for improving the quality of the learning service;
  • Analysis of enrolment, attendance and attrition.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

13.5 Monitoring and Measuring (Audits)

All monitoring, measuring and evaluations (Audits) are undertaken by qualified persons independent of ACI Global and the outcomes are reviewed and evaluated during ACI Global's review process of its learning services inclusive of both the ACI Global Website and Academy.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Verification and validation of Audit Outcomes by external audits View
13.6 Monitoring and Evaluation of Data (Audit Information)

All audit reports resulting from monitoring and evaluation are undertaken by an external auditor and clearly describe the findings and the rationale in light of the learning service objectives.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Verification and validation of Audit Outcomes by external audits View
13.7 Complaints

ACI Global has a defined complaints process so as to deal with complaints and claims with an agreed timeframe to provide redress or explanation to the learner or their sponsoring organisation, faciltator, mentor, staff or interested party.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • ACI Global's Complaints Appeal Process View
  • Impartiality Policy View
13.8 Continuous Improvement

The results of monitoring and evaluation within the ACI Academy are taken into account in implementing improvements and changes to the learning service, such as in the curriculum, course programs, teaching methods and professional development so as to achieve Accelerating Continuous improvements in line with the organisations strategic plans.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • Continuous Improvement Framework View
  • Internal Audit Program View
  • ACI Global Business Review Template View
  • Self Assessment process View

14 - Invoicing

ACI Global has a policy of all courses or programs of Learning or Professional Development must be paid for prior to enrolment. Candidates are reminded and asked to read, understand and accept the requirements of a course before undertaking the registration process as ACI Global has a policy of not refunding a candidates course or program fee or allowing transfer from an online course to a face to face training course once the candidate has completed the ACI Global registration and enrolment process. Notification of ACI Global's refund policy is clearly indicated on our website (ACI Academy - Registration).

14.1 Invoices

Once a candidate has selected their course or program, completed the registration process and accepted ACI Global's Terms and Conditions they are directed to ACI Global's Secure Online Payments Portal where full details of the course or program are outlined including Price and payment Options are displayed. Upon the successful payment transaction, learners and or their sponsoring organisations are advised that Enrolment in their nominated course or program will be completed within a set time frame so as to allow for clearance of funds received. Once a Learner has been enrolled, they receive an automated email notifying them that their enrolment has been successful.

14.2 Payment receipts

Within the secure payments portal direct debit receipts are generated upon payment either by PayPal or Credit Card. If a learner or their sponsoring organisations requires a Invoice/Receipt othet than the auto generated receipt this is done on request.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • ACI Global's Administration Policies View
  • Enrolment Process View
  • Registration Process View

15 - Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

15.1 Provision of resources for Accelerating Continuous Improvement of the Learner and their Sponsoring Organisation and or a Facilitating Organisation for Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

The Organisation will, in line with its stated "Scope of Educational Services" provide the necessary resources to facilitate the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of the learner so as to enhance the learners ability to progress their career.

ACI Global in line with its stated Scope of Educational Services "The provision of leadership development of personnel by providing ongoing competency based ISO learning and ISO personal certification outcomes for professionals working within a wide range of industries and organisations" provide the following to assist Learners in CPD:

  • Adequate processes and resources to ensure the Learner is provided the necessary tools and resources to fulfill the necessary ongoing professional development so as to enhance their career Opportunities upon completion of a learning course or program;
  • Provide facilitation, mentoring and skilled professionals to aid and support the Learner in their desired professional Development journey;
  • Provide skilled professionals if required to work with the learners sponsoring organisation or facilitating organisation to assist the learner in their Professional Development Journey.

ACI Global provides four distinct pathways for the Learner and their Sponsoring Organisation and or a Facilitating Organisation for Continuous Professional Development:

  1. Graduate: Providing all Learners and their Sponsoring Organisations or a Learner with a Facilitating Organisation on behalf of ACI Global's a clear pathway for Continuing Professional Development towards becoming a Post Graduate;
  2. Life Time Learning: The ACI Global ISO Life Time Learning Product allows the candidate or an Organisation to select any number of courses or programs over their lifetime ensuring continuous career and professional development for either the candidate or an Organisations Human Resources.
  3. Post Graduate: Providing all Learners and their Sponsoring Organisations or a Learner with a Facilitating Organisation on behalf of ACI Global's a clear pathway for ongoing Continuing Professional Development: and
  4. ISO Personal Certification: Providing Business Professionals a Pathway to becoming Certified within a chosen skill set.

Note Point 4: The ISO Certification Process is undertaken by ACI Global Certification.

ACI Global maintains the following documented information as evidence of its accelerating continual improvement (ACI) process in reference to conformance with this requirement which is reviewed under its Business “Management” review process.

  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development Process View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Professional Development Journey View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Improvement Commitment View
  • ACI Global's Continuous Improvement Commitment Log Template View

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