ACI Global Continuous Professional Development Register

Client-In- Confidence

Candidites Name .............. Candidates Family Name.......................... Candidates Personal Registration Number............

Examination of Knowledge, Attitudes, Experience, Goals, Ethics, Capability and Personal Growth

Date of Initial Review Date/Month/Year
Date of Review after certificate has been issued Date/Month/Year
Date of annual review Date/Month/Year
Date of Review after certificate has been re issued after 3 years Date/Month/Year

Code of Activity

The ACI Global CPD Activities are catogorised under five main categories:

  • Category 1 - Additional work experience.
  • Category 2 – Learning.
  • Category 3 – Private study.
  • Category 4 – Coaching.
  • Category 5 – Attendance at meetings, seminars and conferences.

The following information will be required for each category:

  1. Date of CPD activity;
  2. Duration in hrs;
  3. Organisations name, contact person, address, telephone number and email address;
  4. Code of activity (Category 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5;
  5. Description of the activity and how the activity has provided professional development related to your certification.

The continual professional development activities should take into account the following.

  • Changes in the needs of the professional and the organisation responsible for the professional’s activities (such as an audit)
  • The practices of the professionals activities for example auditing and;
  • Relevant standards, codes of practices industry regulations and any changes.


Date: Duration in hrs.
Code of activity. Detailed description of activity:
Organisations Name: Organisations Address:
Organisations Contact Person: Organisations Contact Phone Number and Email Address:
Sponsoring Organisations Name: Sponsoring Organisations Address:
Sponsoring Organisations Contact Person: Sponsoring Organisations Contact Phone Number and Email Address:
Self Assessment: SWOT Analysis:
Mentors Review:
Mentors Signature: Date:
Candidates Comment:
Candidates Signature: Date:


Date: Duration in hrs.
Code of activity. Detailed description of activity:
Organisations Name: Organisations Address:
Organisations Contact Person: Organisations Contact Phone Number and Email Address:
Self Assessment: SWOT Analysis:
Mentors Review:
Mentors Signature: Date:
Candidates Comment:
Candidates Signature: Date:


Date: Duration in hrs.
Code of activity. Detailed description of activity:
Organisations Name: Organisations Address:
Organisations Contact Person: Organisations Contact Phone Number and Email Address:
Self Assessment: SWOT Analysis:
Mentors Review:
Mentors Signature: Date:
Candidates Comment:
Candidates Signature: Date:

Client in Confidence: This document and all information contained within is "Client in Confidence" and is covered by ACI Global's Privacy and Personal Data Polices View

For any questions relating to this Commitment or any privacy related enquiries please contact the Managing Director on +612 8003 4997 or Contact Us

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