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ISO Witnessed Activity

ISO Witnessed, End of Course or RPL Activity Overview

World's Best Practice: ACI Global's ISO Witnessed Activity verifies and validates a candidates "Competency and Capability through Accelerating Continuous Improvement" to drive World's Best Practice methodology by Observing in person and in Real Time a candidates actions and interaction with stakeholders, addressing an issue or issues at any given point of time. The following are examples where ACI Global will use the ISO Witnessed Activity:

  • Completion of a course or program prior to issuing a Diploma and ISO Personal Certification ID;
  • Assessing a candidates prior learning or current capability: and,
  • Prior to re issue of a candidates Diploma and ISO Personal Certification ID upon expiry (3 Years).

The key steps of the ISO Witnessed Activity Process undertaken by the Learner or Professional are as Follows:

  1. Learner achieves Graduate Status having completed successfully a course or program and elects to undertake the Witnessed Activity;
  2. Confirmation in writing that the Candidate have a Confidentiality Agreement in place with the Sponsoring or Facilitating Organisation;
  3. Confirmation that the Learner has the correct Public Liability Insurances in place;
  4. Confirmation of Independent Skills Examiner with signed Agreement in place;
  5. Witnessed Activity Plans approved by both Candidate, Sponsoring or Facilitating Organisation and Skills Examiner;
  6. Witnessed Activity undertaken involving Candidate undertaking an evaluation activity as outlined within the approved Plan as submitted to the Skills Examiner and the candidates Sponsoring or facilitating Organisation;
  7. Witnessed Activity Evaluation Report released and provided to the Sponsoring or Facilitating Organisation;
  8. Witnessed Activity Report on the Candidates evaluation by the Skills Examiner on their Capability provided to the Candidate;
  9. Witnessed Activity Report signed off by both the Candidate and the Skills Examiner;
  10. Dependant on the results of the Witnessed Activity the Candidate is assessed as either Capable or Not Yet Capable;
  11. If the Candidate is assessed as Competent and Capable by the assigned Skill’s Examiner they are issued an ISO Personal Identity Card with full details of the learning Transcript which ties into the candidates existing Diploma stating their "Capability" has been Verified by a Witnessed Activity involving either a Sponsoring or Facilitating Organisation;
  12. If the Candidate is assessed as not yet capable additional learning is undertaken under the Candidates CPD agreement with plans put in place to undertake a Witnessed Activity at a future date as agreed between the Candidate and their assigned Facilitator or Mentor.

ISO Witnessed Activity: All ACI Global Business Professionals have and continue to undergo Peer view through a "ISO Witnessed Activity" in accordance with their Triennial (3) year "CPD Agreement"

ISO Witnessed Activity Process (Example Lead Auditor Quality Management Systems)
Organisation where Witnessed Activity was performed
Date Witnessed Activity performed


Skills - Introduce each of the following topics to demonstrate your Skill Demonstrated Yes or No Competent/Capable Yes or No
Demonstrate that the Organisations legal registers will be reviewed to ensure all Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice and Industry Standards reflect any changes that may have occurred, since its last review; and, any changes to the organisations business scope as reflected within the existing certification or business Scope.
Demonstrate that verification and validation of the Legal Registers will be checked with the review of all risk related documentation.
Demonstrate that the audit process will involve discussions with all within both the Executive and Leadership Teams of the organisation, where possible and practical to do so. The organisations strategic business and continuity plans will also be discussed and sighted if possible.
Demonstrate that the organisation has been advised that selected documentation relating to Risk for example Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), Job Safety Analysis Environmental Safety (JSEA) Inspection Test Plans (ITP) as specific to the organisations operations will need to be sampled in line with the Legal Registers;
Demonstrate that the Location of the Audit has been confirmed;
Demonstrate that a full and detailed summary of times and requirements planning and understanding of the business under audit has been provided to the client.

Conduct Opening Meeting

Skills - Each of the following topics will be assessed so as to demonstrate your Skill Demonstrated Yes or No Competent/Capable Yes or No
Demonstrate planning and understanding of the business under audit;
How the audit will be conducted;
Confidentiality Issues addressed;
Presentation of Auditors if applicable;
Explain that Guides will be needed at all times;
Scope of the audit;
Confirm audit activities within the plan;
Confirm audit Timetable, Breaks etc;
Interview schedules;
Explain auditing is only a Sampling Process;
Explain that issues will be discussed as they arise;
Timing of close out of possible NCR's;
Explain auditing is only a Sampling Process;
Explain that issues will be discussed as they arise;
Timing of close out of possible NCR's;
Advise client of appeals procedure;
Request advice related to emergency evacuation procedure.
Ask Questions;

Personnel Interviewed, Communications and Security of Information

Skills - Each of the following topics will need to be demonstrated, Your Skill by (Showing you have asked the auditee the question and received a satisfactory response to your question or questions) Demonstrated Yes or No Competent/Capable Yes or No
Interviews undertaken see (Audit Requirements)
Interview techniques demonstrated
Team conferring during the audit - Team Leader Only
Trainees assisted where necessary - Team Leader Only
Notes Secured;

Audit requirements - Quality Management Systems ISO 9001:2015, ISO 19011:2018 and ISO 17021:2015

ISO 9001:2015 Clauses – Cover each of the clauses (and associated sub clauses) of the standard by (Interviewing the auditee for evidence of conformance) Demonstrated Yes or No Competent/Capable Yes or No
Context of the Organisation
Performance evaluation

Closing Meeting

Skills - Each of the following topics need to be covered to demonstrated your Skill Demonstrated Yes or No Competent/Capable Yes or No
Audit outcomes presented
Roles assigned - Team Leader only
Audit outcomes understood by the auditee
Any specific situations encountered during the audit discussed
Follow up measures if applicable
Performance evaluation
Auditee thanked

Candidate is Capable / Not Yet Capable

Skill Examiners Comments:.....................................................

Requirements to gain capability where applicable:.............................

Skill Examiner Declaration

Declaration Yes No
I confirm the above Report is a true reflection of the Skills demonstrated by the Candidate as verified and validated by viewing the video/s of the skill assessment;
I confirm there are no undeclared potential conflicts of interest in the conduct of the above skills examination;
I confirm I have checked the auditor has the correct industry code/s;
I confirm I have examined the candidates record of learning to ensure all required audit checklists have been assessed and marked as competent;
I confirm that I have checked the candidates record of learning to verify that the candidate meets the requirements of Clause 7 of ISO 19011;
I confirm that I am an ACI Global Certified Skill Examiner, and I have conducted this examination in accordance with ACI Global requirements as an International Certified;
I confirm I have provided a copy of the examination to the candidate.

Examiner Name:/..............................



Candidate to Complete

Declaration Yes No
I confirm the above Report is a true reflection of the Skills demonstrated by the Candidate as verified and validated by viewing the video/s of the skill assessment;
I confirm there are no undeclared potential conflicts of interest in the conduct of the above skills examination;
I confirm I have checked the auditor has the correct industry code/s;
I confirm I have examined the candidates record of learning to ensure all required audit checklists have been assessed and marked as competent;
I confirm that I have checked the candidates record of learning to verify that the candidate meets the requirements of Clause 7 of ISO 19011;
I confirm that I am an ACI Global Certified Skill Examiner, and I have conducted this examination in accordance with ACI Global requirements as an International Certified;
I confirm I have provided a copy of the examination to the candidate.

Client in Confidence: This document and all information contained within is "Client in Confidence" and is covered by ACI Global's Privacy and Personal Data Polices View

For any questions relating to this Commitment or any privacy related enquiries please contact the Managing Director on +612 8003 4997 or Contact Us

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