ACI Global is committed to taking all reasonable steps to improving environmental performance in our business activities, and will encourage our people and the wider community to share that commitment.

ACI Global aims to protect and conserve the environment by minimising adverse environmental impact resulting from our business activities as much as reasonably practicable.

ACI Global will build an environmentally aware culture on the basis of:

  • Commitment to this policy;
  • Adopting a high level of environmental awareness across our orgnaisation and people; and,
  • Consider our impact on the environment such as changes to the climate, inclement weather, re cycling and waste management in our business decisions.


ACI Global Management is committed to:

  • Ensuring that all external requirements and obligations including those of its identified interested parties are being met;
  • Developing, implementing, maintaining and promoting practises that ensure the ongoing awareness and sustainability of the organisation: and,
  • Commitment to be in guidance with all legal requirements and other requirements that are applicable to its effects, aspects, hazards, OH&S risks and its compliance business management system.


ACI Global Workers are committed to:

  • Supporting the company’s sustainability vision;
  • Taking responsibility for their actions and the impact of those actions on the environment; and,
  • Proactively responding to and reporting environmental incidents and hazards.


ACI Global will actively monitor and review our organisation’s performance to ensure that we succeed in meeting our Environmental objectives.

ACI Global Environmental and Sustainability Policy shall be reviewed periodically in accordance with Company consultation and communication processes.


This Policy has been acknowledged and accepted by the Managing Director for ACI Global Ian Erskine on the date indicated below
