ACI Global's Delivery of Personal Certification Services Process
The objective of this policy is to provide a framework for a transparent, robust and impartial management of ISO personal certification process to ensure all ISO Personal Certification outcomes are delivered within the context of continuous improvement and quality improvement.
In delivery of ISO Personal Certification Outcomes, ACI Global Certification adheres to the professional development and certification standards indicated by academic research in its fields of expertise and by the standards and guidelines established by institutions of higher education, professional bodies and peak industry associations.
Standards Referenced
ACI Global Certification as an ISO Certification provider ensures all Prior Learning, Assessment, Examination and ISO Certification processes are designed and delivered in conformance to the following International Standards:
ISO 21001:2018 - ACI Global is an ISO Registered and Certified "Quality" Organisation;
ISO 29993:2017 - ACI Global is an International ISO Registered and Certified Learning Service Provider (LSP);
ISO/IEC 17024:2012 - ACI Global conforms to guidelines to examine "Competence" using objective criteria for competence and scoring "Knowledge, Ability, Attitude and Personal Behaviour Disciplines" to deliver Competency Based Learning, Assessment and Examination Outcomes;
ISO/IEC 23988:2007 - ACI Global conforms to a code of practice for the use of information technology (IT) in the delivery of assessments;
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 - ACI Global conforms to best practice for Information Security Management Systems;
ISO 22301:2012 - ACI Global conforms to best practice for Societal Security, Business continuity management systems and planning with a full Business Continuity Plan in place.
ISO 31000:2018 – ACI Global conforms to best practice for Enterprise Risk Management Principles and Guidelines with a comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management Plan in place.
ISO/IEC 17030 - ACI Global conforms to best practice in the use of third party marks.
National Employment Standards, WHS Act and Regulations, Environmental Protection act, Privacy Act and the Australian Tax Office (ATO).
1 Application Process
Upon application, ACI Global Certification shall make available an overview of the ISO personal certification process in accordance with industry, ISO standards or interested parties. As a minimum, the overview shall include the requirements for Recognition of Prior Learning, ISO Certification and its scope, a description of the process, the applicant's rights, the duties of a certified person and the fees for all services provided.
ACI Global Certification requires the completion of an application seeking Recognition of Prior learning and personal certification services which will include the following:
information required to identify the applicant, such as name, photo ID, address and other information required by the ISO certification process;
agreement from both the candidate and ACI Global Certification of a commitment to Continuous Professional Development Offer the candidate;
the scope of the desired ISO Personal Certification;
a statement that the applicant agrees to comply with the ISO Personal certification requirements including the use of certificates and cards and to supply any information needed for the required assessments and examinations;
any supporting information to demonstrate objectively compliance with the scope of the ISO personal certification offered;
notice to the applicant of his/her opportunity to declare, within reason, a request for accommodation of special needs.
A commitment from ACI Global to protect in line with all International and national Privacy laws the candidates personal information.
ACI Global Certification shall review the application to confirm that the applicant complies with the application requirements of the scope of the learning and personal certification needs analysis.
1.1 Assessment Process - Recognition of Prior Learning and Current Competence
ACI Global Certification has developed a defined process to assess a candidate’s prior learning (Knowledge) RPL and Current Competence (RCC) ensuring the content of the curriculum and the scope of the certification meet the needs of the candidate. The process involves assessing the following:
Candidates CV or Resume;
Industry Experience;
Evidence of Prior Learning;
Evidence of Industry Codes to support Industry Experience;
Assess Current Competence (Witnessed Activity) reports against expected Learning and Certification Outcomes of the course or programme.
Provision of a defined commitment for professional development over the course of the candidates ISO Personal Certification including the period of the candidates learning.
ACI Global has a defined process to ensure all candidates information provided for the RPL and RCC process is held secure within the ACI Global Learning and Certification Platform "e-Campus" which is outlined in ACI Global’s Digital security policy.
2 Examination Process
Examinations shall be designed to assess competence based on, and consistent with, the scope of the certification outcomes, by written, oral, practical, observational or other reliable and objective means. The design of examination requirements shall ensure the comparability of results of each single examination, both in content and difficulty, including the validity of "Competent" (C) or "Not Yet Competent" (NYC) or "Not Yet Assessed" (NYA).
ACI Global has developed suitable processes to ensure.
Competence and ongoing verification of competence of examiners conducting the “Witnessed Activity”
Consistent assessment and examination administration;
Criteria for conditions for administering examinations shall be established, documented and monitored;
When technical equipment is used in the assessment and examination process, the equipment shall be verified or calibrated where appropriate;
Appropriate methodology and procedures (e.g. collecting and maintaining statistical and observational data) shall be documented and implemented in order to reaffirm, at justified defined intervals, the fairness, validity, reliability and general performance of each examination, and that all identified deficiencies are corrected.
2.1 ISO Personal Certification Process
Candidates Select a Course of Learning and Commit to a 3 year Triennial Personal Certification Program;
Candidates have Knowledge, Qualifications, Industry Experience and Client relationships verified and validated through ISO learning and or Recognition of Prior Learning;
Candidates are Peer Reviewed by an Industry/ISO Standards Auditor whilst undertaking a Stage 1 (Document Review) or Gap Audit on a Known Client's Business Managemnt Systems and its Framework;
Candidates are Peer reviewed by an Industry/ISO Standards Auditor whilst undertaking upto 2 Surveillance Audits (Depending on Experience) on a Known Client of the Candidate;
Candidate completes "Witnessed Skills Activity" observed by an Industry/ISO Standards Auditor actively involved in a Stage 2 Certification Audit on a Known Client of the Candidate;
Candidate's Known Organisation is Certified and issued a Certificate of Registration by an accredited Industry Association and or ISO Certification Body;
Candidate's participate and complete the "Hogan 360 Degree Profile" to assess Key Personal Disciplines involving up to six business leaders and or professionals known by the candidate;
Upon successful verification and validation of "Witnessed Audit Outcome" and having completed Hogan 360 Degree Profile the Candidate is deemed "Competent" and issued ISO Personal Certification and added to the ACI Global Certification ISO Personal Certification Register.
3 Decision on ISO Certification
ACI Global Certification has developed and implements processes to ensure the information gathered during the learning and certification process shall be sufficient to ensure:
ACI Global Certification will make all decisions on ISO personal certification;
Traceability in the event of an appeal or complaint;
The decision on certification of a candidate shall be made solely on the basis of the information gathered during the certification process;
The personnel who make certification decisions shall have sufficient knowledge of and experience with the certification process to determine if the certification requirements have been met;
Certification shall not be granted until all certification requirements are fulfilled or planned;
The provision of a certificate and card to all certified persons. The certificate shall take the form of a letter, card or other medium, signed or authorized by a responsible member of the ACI Global Certification;
4 Certificates and Cards
The certificates and cards shall be designed to reduce the risk of counterfeiting and contain, as a minimum, the following information.
the name of the certified person;
a unique identification number derived from the ISO Personal Certification Register;
the name of ACI Global Certification as the provider of personal certification services;
a reference to the ISO certification course or programme, standard or other relevant documents, including issue date, if relevant;
the scope of the certification including, if applicable validity conditions and limitations;
the effective date of the personal certification and date of expiry.
5 Triennial ISO Personal Certification Program
The ISO Personal Certification programme runs for three years with ongoing verification of competency (VOC) activities to ensure the candidate maintains their skill for the period three (3) years of their personal certification.
ACI Global Certification will provide as part of the candidates ISO learning and personal certification a commitment in writing to provide the following:
access to all learning, professional development and examination material so as to assist and maintain the candidates VOC throughout the Triennial ISO Certification Programme;
access to a secure register so as to enable the candidate to promote their professional status and skills;
access to a secure platform for all required resource material for leaning and examination of competence;
The secure Register of ISO Certified Persons is not a Membership it is a register for certified persons coupled with a secure platform to ensure the verification of competence is maintained throughout the Triennial certification program.
6 Recertification or Changes in Learners expectations
ACI Global Certification users surveys at the beginning and completion of each certification activity to manage candidate’s expectations. Throughout the candidates certification process experienced facilitators and mentors constantly monitor the candidates progress with clear targets set to ensure the candidates expectations are met at all times.
When there is a change in the a candidates expectation or the certified person needs to be re certified which requires additional assessment, ACI Global Certification shall document and make publicly accessible without request the specific methods and mechanisms required to verify that certified persons comply with changed requirements.
ACI Global Certification have developed a process to ensure the recertification of individuals is in accordance with the scope of the certification requirements. ACI Global shall ensure during the recertification process that it confirms continued competence of the certified person and ongoing conformance with current ISO certification requirements by the certified person.
The recertification period shall be based upon the ACI Global’s Triennial ISO Personal Certification Programme with the rationale for recertification to take into account, where relevant, the following:
regulatory requirements;
changes to normative documents;
changes in the relevant standard/s requirements;
the nature and maturity of the industry or field in which the certified person is working;
the risks resulting from an incompetent person;
ongoing changes in technology, and requirements for certified persons;
requirements of interested parties and
the frequency and content of verification of competency (VOC) activities
The selected recertification activity/activities shall be adequate to ensure that there is impartial assessment to confirm the continuing competence of the certified person.
In accordance with the certification scheme, recertification by the certification body shall consider at least the following:
on-site assessment "Witnessed Activity";
professional development, structured interview and ongoing assessments;
confirmation of continuing satisfactory work, work experience records and Industry Codes;
checks on physical capability in relation to the competence concerned.
NOTE "Physical capability" can require an evaluation by a health professional, or by a professional qualified to evaluate physical skills such as dexterity, strength and endurance, as well as the technical performance skills required for the certification.
6.1 ISO Personal Re-Certification Process
The ISO Personal Re-Certification process is directly alligned to the International Accreditations Forum (IAF) and their Signatory Bodies (ANAB, JAS-ANZ and UCAS) Observational activities and follows the following timeframes and events:
Upon successfully being deemed Competent and signing the CPD agreement the Professional is issued an ISO Personal Certification Card outlining his level of Skills attained during the "Witnessed Activity". The term of the Professionals ISO Personal Certification is Three Years;
Year 1 - Complete ongoing assessments in line with 3 year continuous professional development agreement;
Year 2 - Complete ongoing assessments in line with 3 year continuous professional development agreement an in addition undertake the Hogan 360 Degree Profile on their Personal Behaviour Disciplines.;
Year 3 - Undertake and be deemed "Competent" having successfully completed a "Witnessed Activity" in line with Industry Best Practice Guidelines and in addition enter into a new 3 year continuous professional development agreement (CPD) in line with ISO 19011 and 17021 guidelines. Once achieved the Professional is issued a new ISO Personal Certification Card in line with ACI Global Certification ISO Triennial Certification Program;
7 Use of Logo's and Marks
ACI Global Certification shall require that an agreement is signed by the candidate before commencing ISO personal certification activities for the following reasons:
to comply with the relevant provisions of the personal certification program;
to make claims regarding ISO personal certification only with respect to the scope for which ISO personal certification has been granted;
not to use the certification in such a manner as to bring the learning and personal certification body into disrepute, and not to make any statement regarding the certification which the learning and personal certification body considers misleading or unauthorized;
to discontinue the use of all claims to certification that contain any reference to the learning and personal certification body or certification upon suspension or withdrawal of certification, and to return any certificates or cards issued by the learning and personal certification body;
not to use the certificate or card in a misleading manner.