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ISO CBMS Aged Care and Disability Third Party Auditor - Lead

Learning Program Details
Price: $2,250.00 AUD

Overview and Benefits:

  • Overview: This program caters for candidates with a minimum of 5 years experience in health and aged care, wanting to implement positive outcomes for health and aged care organisations as well as training them to be able to confidently and professionally conduct evaluations and or audits on an Organisations Business Processes.
  • Benefits: The Integrated Compliance Business Management Systems (CBMS) Aged Care and Disability and the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Lead Auditor Program, provides learning in auditing of management systems and Leading an Audit Team. The Candidate will be trained and coached to professionally conduct a Stage 1 and Stage 2 audit on either a newly established business system, or within an established system, thoroughly checking and validating existing documentation across the organisations management programs and processes. At the completion of learning, the candidate will have a comprehensive understanding of CBMS including Aged Care and Disability, a capability to audit its systems and process, and Lead an Audit team.

Standards Referenced: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 37301:2021, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 31000:2018, ISO 44001:2017, National Health, Aged Care and Disability standards, 19011:2018 and 17021:2015 auditing standards plus local, national, statutory rules and regulations and sector specific standards covering country of origin.

Resources: Extensive e-campus library with access to all applicable Standards plus a comprehensive list of course notes and reference material.

Length of program: Minimum 80 hrs, no set time limit is imposed, time taken is dependent on Candidates and or organisational time commitments and resources.


Prerequisites: 5 years minimum experience in a Health and or Aged or Disability Care Institution plus 100 hrs in house training which can be applied for during the program.

Facilitator: All ACI Global Facilitators are Certified Business Professionals specializing in the specific scope being facilitated and have been assessed as competent in International Facilitation (ISO-FL), Attitude and Cultural Diversity (ACI-ACD) and have undertaken the Hogan Leadership Profile.

Special Needs: - If you have any special needs or requirements that your Facilitator needs to be aware of please Contact Us to discuss this in confidence.

Refund Policy: - No refund upon completion of registration and enrollment process.


    Recognition: Diploma in Third Party Auditing

    3 Year Professional Development Guarantee: Each ACI Global Course or Program is backed by a "3 Year Professional Leadership Development Guarantee" ensuring the Candidates Professional Leadership Development is maintained relevant to the training provided. This service is included in the Course or Program Price and conditions apply.

    Sponsoring Organisation: Certificate of Sustainability and Sustained Success.

    Member Registration
    ISO Graduate Lead Auditor "Integrated Business Management Systems" Aged Care and Disability Outcomes
    • Issued with a Diploma valid for three years covering ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 27021:2013, ISO 26000:2010, ISO 31000:2018, ISO 44001:2017 and ISO 19011:2018 and ISO 17021-1:2015 auditing standards;
    • Issued with a Personal ISO Certification Card for Auditing Integrated Business Management Systems Aged Care and Disability as a Lead Auditor valid for three years;
    • Provided a three years Triennial Personal ISO Certification program with ongoing assessment to verify competency (VOC);
    • Supported by a three year continuous professional development agreement to support the triennial personal ISO Certification program providing unlimited access to the ACI Global secure e-Campus for all resource and personal development needs.
    • The Organisation that the candidate has worked with to demonstrate and have verified through an observational activity that they are compliant, is issued with a Certificate of Sustainability covering the nominated ISO or Industry Standard/s and Statutory Rules and Regulations.
    ISO Graduate Lead Auditor "Integrated Business Management Systems" Aged Care and Disability Learning Tasks
    • Learn how a Integrated Business Management System in Conformance to Aged Care, Disability and ISO Standards including will add value to an Organisation
    • Understand the meaning of Business Acumen together with Risk Based Thinking and be able to determine the key drivers for Business or Organisational Success.
    • Learn the principles and guidelines for auditing management systems to International (ISO) and National Standards for an Organisation.
    • Demonstrate the application of "Knowledge, Attitude, Cultural Diversity and Personal Disciplines" necessary to lead an Audit Team in undertaking a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Audit during an "Witnessed Activity" under visual observation Microsoft Teams; and,
    • Ongoing Assessments to ensure the candidates competencies are maintained in accordance with the candidates 3 year CPD agreement
    ISO Graduate Lead Auditor "Integrated Business Management Systems" Aged Care and Disability Career Benefits
    • ISO Certified Business Professionals receive higher returns for services provided and greater chances of employment and or contracts
    • Three Year Continuous Professional Leadership Development Guarantee CPD for the period of ISO Certification (3 yrs).
    • Entry into the ACI Global Professionals' Register.
    • At the successful completion of the programme candidates are able to apply for Registration with Third Party Certification Bodies (CB's). Please note conditions do apply for example industry experience, necessary auditor codes plus auditor experience are all considered essential requirements in performing third party audits for further details please refer to your preferred Certification Body.
    ISO Graduate Lead Auditor "Integrated Business Management Systems" Aged Care and Disability Learners Needs Analysis

    Overview Curriculum and Learning Outcomes for this course have been developed, implemented and undergo continuous improvement through input from Industry, ISO Technical Committees, independent third party audits and conform to the International ISO 17024 Conformity Assessment Standard - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons' which in part defines levels of Competency "Competent" (C) or "Not yet Competent" (NYC). If a candidate is assessed as (NYC) they are provided an additional attempt and are able to redo the assessment with additional mentoring and resources provided where necessary. There is no set number of additional attempts provided as this is determined between the candidate and their assigned facilitator.

    Commencing the Journey of Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI)

    Learners are provided a unique and secure access code to access the ACI Academy to commence their Learning journey as outlined below initially undertaking an in depth "Needs Analysis" of their personal learning needs. The Journey is a structured process of:

    • Introduction
    • Getting Started
    • Setting up your personal learner centre;
    • Special needs addressed, if applicable;
    • Continuous Professional Development Agreement signed; and,
    • Personal and Business Code of Ethics agreed and signed off.

    Recognition of Prior Learning - ISO-RPL/RCC

    Recognition of Prior Learning, Current Competence and Capability is examined through:

    • Industry Experience against required Learning Outcomes examined;
    • Prior Learning against required Learning Outcomes examined;
    • Current Competence against required Learning Outcomes examined;

    Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) undertaken to determine competence against the following "STEM" subjects and English Proficiency:

    • Science;
    • Technology;
    • Engineering;
    • Mathematics, and;
    • English Proficiency.

    Hogan Personal Disciplines assessment undertaken to determine Seven Key Personal skills:

    • Adjustment: The degree to which a person is calm and even tempered or conversely, moody and volatile;
    • Ambition: The degree to which a person seems leader like, seeks status and values achievement;
    • Sociability: The degree to which a person appears talkative and socially self confident;
    • Sensitivity: Reflects social skill, tact and perceptiveness;
    • Prudence: Concerns self control and conscientiousness;
    • Inquisitive: The degree to which a person seems curious, adventurous and imaginative;
    • Learning Approach: The degree to which a person enjoys academic activities and enjoys education as an end in itself.

    Personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) undertaken

    The results of the Hogan Personality Assessment will enable a detailed Personal SWOT to be undertaken to:

    • identify general career-related strengths and development needs and;
    • highlight the most effective techniques for individuals and help facilitators to enable individuals reach their career goals.

    Cultural Awareness

    Whilst technology makes it possible to collaborate with colleagues around the world, intercultural challenges present unanticipated obstacles. Facilitators and their audience "learners" need to trust and understand each other, and as part of this training program and its associated Continuous Professional Leadership Development (Post Graduate) Program will assist in this.

    Cultural Awareness is the foundation of communication and it involves the ability of standing back from ourselves and becoming aware of our cultural values, beliefs and perceptions and accommodating the differentiation in interpretation of other cultures.

    Prior to the commencement of any course the Facilitator and Learner both undertake an "Open Session" of getting to understand each other with this final segment of the ISO Learners Needs Analysis discussing prior learning, industry experience, the learners "Sponsoring Organisation", the Hogan and GMAT assessments and finally targets and goals for the learner to complete their Learning Program.

    The final step of the Learners Needs Analysis is taken with the Facilitator exposing the Learner to the Academy's Library of allocated Standards and resource material which will used and referenced throughout the course.


    Resource Centre

    • Course Library
    • Benefits of ISO Standards
    • ISO Changes
    • Managing change
    • Introduction to auditing
    • Resource Material

    Integrated Business Management Systems Aged Care, Disability and Corporate Social Responsibility - ISO-QMS, ISO-EMS, ISO-OHS, ISO-CSR, ISO-RM and ISO-CBRM.

    • Assessment to determine an understanding of the Principles of Quality Assurance, Risk and Collaborative Business Relationships;
    • Assessment to determine an understanding of the Process Approach (PDCA);
    • Assessment to determine an understanding of Business Acumen and Business Systems and their Operational Architecture;
    • Assessment to determine understanding of the application of Corporate Social Responsibility Principles in the context of an organisation and Local and International guidelines;
    • Assessment to recognise Corporate Social Responsibility and the engagement of Interested Parties and Stakeholders;
    • Assessment to determine an understand and be able to demonstrate guidance on Corporate Social Responsibility core subjects;
    • Assessment to determine Guidance on integrating corporate social responsibility throughout an organisation;
    • Assessment to determine an understanding and be able to demonstrate guidance on Aged Care and Disability Standards;
    • Assessment to demonstrate and Relate the Business Management System to the Organisations Clients both internal and external;
    • Assessment to demonstrate an understanding of Risk Based Thinking as it relates to an organisations enterprise risk management process;
    • Assessment to demonstrate an understanding of an Organisation Leadership Architecture and supporting processes;
    • Assessment to demonstrate an understanding of an organisations Planning and Risk Management Processes;
    • Assessment to demonstrate an understanding of an organisations Support, Infrastructure (Assets) and Resources Architecture Processes;
    • Assessment to demonstrate an understanding of an organisations Operational Processes;
    • Assessment to demonstrate an understanding of an organisations Performance Evaluation Processes and;
    • Assessment to demonstrate an understanding of an organisations Improvement and Innovation Processes; and,
    • Interview and possible observation to assess CSR, QMS and Assets assessments

    ISO Auditor - ISO-AUD.

    • Assessment to understand the application of the principles, procedures and techniques of auditing;
    • Assessment to demonstrate an understanding of how to conduct of an effective audit in the context of the auditees organisational situation;
    • Assessment to demonstrate an understanding of the application of the regulations, and other considerations that are relevant to the audit management system, and the conduct of the audit;
    • Assessment to understand and be able to demonstrate through "Observational Means" how the internal audit program addresses both elements of the management system and "Risk to the Organisation; and,
    • Interview and possible observation to assess final audit assessment

    ISO Lead Auditor - ISO-LA.

    • Assessment to understand how teams work;
    • Assessment to demonstrate how to set up an audit team;
    • Assessment to understand how to improve team efficiency;
    • Assessment to demonstrate communication within teams.
    • Interview and possible observation to assess final audit assessment

    The Hogan 360

    ACI Global believes that leadership can be learnt and developed. It takes focus, motivation, deliberate practice and support. The Hogan 360 is Critical in starting with Focus. Following on from the Hogan Personal Disciplines assessment Learning leadership competencies requires disciplined self-management around one’s core personality and the necessary learned behaviours to drive engagement and performance.

    Leadership is observable, measurable and improvable. Combining the Hogan 360 with Hogan personality assessments is the most efficient and cost effective way to gather performance related information. The Hogan 360 reveals one’s real self which helps to build the ideal self.

    • Measuring leadership effectiveness;
    • Improving leadership effectiveness;
    • Measuring team effectiveness; and,
    • Improving team effectiveness.

    Personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) undertaken

    The results of the Hogan 360 Assessment will enable a detailed Personal SWOT to be undertaken on ones Potential as a Leader by assessing:

    • Self Management - Integrity and Resilience;
    • Relationship Management - Communication, People Skills, Team Player and Customer;
    • Working in the Business - Capability, Efficiency, Results and Engaging; and,
    • Working on the Business - Accountability, Motivation, Strategy and Innovation.

    Final Skill assessment

    • Risk and Evaluation duration calculation
    • Evaluation planning
    • Quoting process
    • Audit planning
    • Audit confirmation
    • Stage 1 Audit undertaken
    • Skills assessment Interview

    Finish up

    • Request Certificate
    • Complete Evaluation Survey
    • Receive and Upload Certificate
    • Final Interview
    Capability Verified by a Witnessed Activity

    Demonstrate the Verification of Capability by a "Witnessed Activity" in undertaking a Document Review and a Stage 2 (Third Party) audit and validating the following.

    • Conformance to ISO 19011 Clause 7 applicability Competency, Awareness and Training;
    • Demonstrate audit planning;
    • Demonstrate the Possession of the necessary Industry Codes:
    • Demonstrate the ability to perform a Stage 1 Audit;
    • Demonstrate the ability to perform a Stage 2 Audit, to ready an organisation to achieve Third Party Certification to 9001:20015, 14001:2015. 45001:2018 and ISO 27001:2015 including Aged Care Disbility and is in guidance with the ISO 26000:2010 Standard on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability.
    Insurances - Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance Requirements for Professionals

    It is a requirement for all Professionals undertaking audits on behalf of third parties that you are covered for both Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance.

    ACI Global's preferred supplier is "EnviroSure" with full details being found On their Website, Secure your Insurances Now, Tell them Erko said you are the Best in the Insurance Business!

    Academy Registration

    Getting started is as easy as clicking on the e-learning Registration Tab below, Register and Pay for your program all online and you can be started in less than 6 Hrs (Dependant on International Time Zones and Clearance of Funds).

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